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Ciça’s Contrasts: Exploring the Ethé of the Brazilian Comic Book Artist


The purpose of this paper is to show the construction of Ciça’s ethé, a comic book artist who became known for the comic strips series O Pato (The Duck), published in the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo during the Brazilian Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). There are not many references about her, although considered one of the main comic book artists in Brazil, information that justifies this study. The theoretical assumptions that support the analysis come from Rhetoric and New Rhetoric, especially the notion of ethos, which constitutes the image that speakers build of themselves and others in the discourse. As corpus of study, we particularly use the presentation texts in her works and interviews given by the artist herself.

Rhetoric; Ethos; Comic book artist; Ciça

Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina Av. José Acácio Moreira, 787 - Caixa Postal 370, Dehon - 88704.900 - Tubarão-SC- Brasil, Tel: (55 48) 3621-3369, Fax: (55 48) 3621-3036 - Tubarão - SC - Brazil