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A Finite-Difference Time-Domain Formulation for Modeling Air Ionization Breakdown Streamers


A numerical model based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is developed for calculating discharge currents and fields produced due air ionization between two electrodes. Electric conductivity σ of the ionized channel between two electrodes is calculated using non-linear equations, i.e., σ is obtained using functions of time. The functions for calculating σ are adapted and proposed in this work for each stage of the plasma formation and disrupting processes. The proposed numerical model is validated by making comparisons among the obtained FDTD results and experimental data published in literature. In order to perform the validation procedures, an experimental setup from literature is numerically reproduced using the proposed FDTD methodology.

Index Terms
Air Ionization; Discharge Streamer; FDTD method; Plasma Channels

Sociedade Brasileira de Microondas e Optoeletrônica e Sociedade Brasileira de Eletromagnetismo Praça Mauá, n°1, 09580-900 São Caetano do Sul - S. Paulo/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 4238 8988 - São Caetano do Sul - SP - Brazil