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Report of the VIII National Meeting of Associations and Support Group of People with Epilepsy

As a part of national movement of epilepsy in our country, the VIII National Meeting of Associations and Support Group of People with Epilepsy was held on March 19-20th, 2010, in Campinas, SP. In the first part, a board of specialists on epilepsy answered the questions from the audience. In the second part, the epilepsy' associations presented their activities. The major resolutions of the meeting were: 1. Election of a new board of directors of Epi-Brasil; 2. "Epilepsy yes, prejudice no" was chosen as the central theme of the 2010 campaign; 3. Usage of adequate terms to refer to the patients (to not use the term "epileptic"). 4. in public events, it's recommended to invite the Ministry of Public Defense to join the national actions for epilepsy. 5. An event on epilepsy will be held in Rondônia, in September 2010, with support from Epi-Brasil. 6. Reinforcement of the EPI-Brasil associations; 5. Continuity in the Conselho Nacional da Saúde; 6. Establishment of the actions to approve Minuta of Ministry of Health; 7. The IX National Meeting of Associations and Support Group of People with Epilepsy will take place in Ipatinga-MG, during the period of March 18-19h of 2011.

Epilepsy; associations; global campaign; stigma

Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia (LBE) Av. Montenegro, 186 sala 505 - Petrópolis, 90460-160 Porto Alegre - RS, Tel. Fax.: +55 51 3331 0161 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil