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Effects of epilepsy and malnutrition in the developing central nervous system: clinical aspects and experimental evidences

INTRODUCTION: Malnutrition and epilepsy are main problems in developing countries, especially affecting children. PURPOSE: Considering the impact that insults like seizures and malnutrition have in the developing central nervous system (CNS), our study intends to review the current literature about the relation between epilepsy and early malnutrition in clinical and experimental studies in rats. METHODS: Literature review in Medline, during the period of January of 2000 to December 2008. RESULTS: Using the key words epilepsy and malnutrition, 1044 articles were found, from which we used 56 to this review. We intended to summarize the main findings that are refered to the alterations induced by seizures and malnutrition in the CNS development. CONCLUSION: The analysis of these articles indicated that early malnutrition lead to neuronal deficit, with cognitive alterations and growth and developmental disorders in experimental models, possibly causing more susceptibility to seizures. Apparently, malnutrition is not a direct cause of epilepsy, but it can decrease the threshold to seizures, suggesting an additive effect between these variables.

Epilepsy; malnutrition; seizure threshold; developing brain

Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia (LBE) Av. Montenegro, 186 sala 505 - Petrópolis, 90460-160 Porto Alegre - RS, Tel. Fax.: +55 51 3331 0161 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil