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The hospital routine of children with prolonged hospitalizations: between body-care and possible mediations

This ethnographic study reflected upon the experiences of prolonged hospitalization among children with chronic and complex conditions (CCC). Data was collected from the patients’ medical records, participant observation, and interviews conducted with the parents of children hospitalized in two pediatric units. The findings reveal that the patients’ daily lives were engendered by an intimate relationship between the body and environment and the importance of the mediation of parents and health professionals in this setting. A number of considerations are suggested, including the fact that the health needs of children with CCC extend beyond medication and techniques. It is vital to understand that the daily life of these children is played out temporarily in the hospital and therefore theses settings require the active presence of mothers and the provision of spaces and activities to optimize the daily lives of these children.

Chronic disease; Health and disease process; Hospitalized child; Hospital care; Occupational therapy

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