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Health education strategies and the quality of care and teaching in pediatrics: interaction, connection and trust in professional discourse

An analytic and interpretative study whose objective was to understand the meaning of educational practice in forming a connection between users, the pediatric team and healthcare services. It was based on Cultural Anthropology assumptions and relied on semi-structured interviews with eight professionals from the field under study. The expressions of the professionals showed the points of convergence, representing the social imagery that applies to this professional activity, expressed in the dialogue themes with respect to the language and experiences as a way of providing care and teaching, and connection and confidence as constructs of the process of providing care and teaching. The results highlighted that Health Education permeates aspects of communication and of interpersonal relations, such as respect for the culture of the families and, in this way, fosters the approximation of the professional and the family and the establishment of a connection and of trust, making it possible to improve aspects of the child's health and qualify of life, justifying an incentive to these types of attitudes and the creation of arenas for discussing and learning this process.

pediatrics; health education; health promotion; family; culture

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