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Technical healthcare models, management and the organization of work in the healthcare field: nothing is indifferent in the struggle for the consolidation Brazil's single healthcare system

This article presents a critical reflection on the current situation of the development of the Brazil's Single Healthcare System (SUS - Sistema Único de Saude), by referring to the Brazilian Healthcare Reform Movement's principles, particularly as concerns the democratic commitments to the right to healthcare, the construction of the system and its policies, and the transformation of healthcare practices and of the technical care model. It analyzes the predominant ways in which care is organized, healthcare policies are designed and the challenges of healthcare work are faced. It supports the idea that democratic radicalization, enabling active and true participation of municipal administrators, workers and users in the construction of the Single Healthcare System, is indispensable for consolidating the system and healthcare as one of the rights of all citizens.

health as a right of citizens; technical healthcare model; democratization of healthcare management; policies; micro-policies of healthcare work

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