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Clinic-school: innovative institutional support to the practices of management and health care as part of the teaching-work integration

The text presents the implementation of a school-service that proposes health professionals’ education in line with the National Curriculum Guidelines. The Regional University Clinic of Education and Health (CURES) involves health courses offered by a University Center located in the region of the Taquari Valley, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Southern Brazil), linking the care networks of four cities. This paper reports on the institutional support that is present in the actions of the care network teams. Inclusion in the local and regional context has shown an educational potential for students and teachers, highlighting commitment and co-responsibility in care. The “education narrative” was the methodological approach that was employed to analyze the actions of CURES concerning institutional support to the teams. The inseparability between technique and policy/theory and practice has permeated activities and reflections, resulting in changes in the teaching-learning process in the field of health.

Clinic-school; Comprehensive health care; Teaching-work integration; Professional health education; Institutional support

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