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Implementing educational program for Famema's nursing course: reporting the experience

The project seeks to report the development of the syllabus for the four-year nursing course of Marília Medical School (Famema) in 2003. The method used was a reflection on the pedagogical practice, based on documental analysis of the teaching-learning programs for each year. The results identified some points that the political-pedagogical project needed to improve, such as: redefining health service professors' and nurses' roles; different understandings regarding methodology reference related to problematization and ability; professors' insecurity in working with uncertainty in the teaching-learning process. It was also possible to identify changes that contributed to the implementation of the project, which included: the strengthening of the partnership between teaching and service; the relation between the medical and nursing courses; the use of the principles of the meaningful learning; introduction of the continuous education process, enabling one to evaluate processes and strategies of the curriculum.

nursing; education nursing; curriculum

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