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THE TRANSLATOR OF THE ABOMINABLE PRINCIPLES: José Pedro de Azevedo Sousa da Câmara and the circulation of written works of Voltaire in Portugal and Brazil (1790-1834)


This paper investigates the life and work of magistrate José Pedro de Azevedo Sousa da Câmara, the most important translator of Voltaire's texts into Portuguese, between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Anonymously, deceiving the apparatus of the portuguese censorship, the magistrate issued the political tragedies of the french philosopher, circulated manuscript or through clandestine prints, the example of Bruto (1806). Sousa da Câmara lived eight years in the Captaincy of Bahia, where he served on the time the Tribunal da Relação, in times that abominable french principles influenced the events of Conjuração Baiana of 1798.

Theater of Voltaire; Brutus; Censorship; Bahian Conspiracy

Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, UNESP, Campus de Assis, 19 806-900 - Assis - São Paulo - Brasil, Tel: (55 18) 3302-5861, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, UNESP, Campus de Franca, 14409-160 - Franca - São Paulo - Brasil, Tel: (55 16) 3706-8700 - Assis/Franca - SP - Brazil