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Dialogues between Clio and Asclepius: Ivolino de Vasconcellos and the Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina

The Brazilian Institute for the History of Medicine was founded on 1945 by the physician Ivolino de Vasconcellos. Because the movement intended to be of national scope, the Federação Nacional de História da Medicina e Ciências Afins was also created (National Federation for the History of Medicine and Related Sciences). The latter group had a humanistic understanding of medicine, wherein the history of medicine played a central role; since this subject honored great names and achievements in medicine, members of the federation felt it was a prime tool in the ethical and humanistic training of healthcare professionals. Thus was born the Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina, which fostered scientific and academic production and events in the field of history of medicine and also registered the Federation's activities and scientific output.

Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina; Brazilian Institute for the History of Medicine; National Federation of the History of Medicine and Related Sciences; Ivolino de Vasconcellos

Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Av. Brasil, 4365, 21040-900 , Tel: +55 (21) 3865-2208/2195/2196 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil