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Sociotechnical healthcare networks for acupuncture: a case study on the basic training of medical students

This is a qualitative study on the sociotechnical networks that underlie the University of São Paulo School of Medicine’s Acupuncture League. The actor-network methodology, developed by Bruno Latour in studies on scientific productivity, is used. Consisting of field observations, semistructured interviews and a document analysis, the study presents relevant findings, with emphasis on understanding acupuncture as a therapeutic strategy effective in healthcare, modulating the use of drugs. It also identifies the need for regulation of the teaching and practice of acupuncture and recognition of other healthcare professionals as colleagues in the practice of this therapeutic method.

acupuncture; traditional Chinese medicine; integrative and complementary healthcare practices; medical training

Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Av. Brasil, 4365, 21040-900 , Tel: +55 (21) 3865-2208/2195/2196 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil