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City branding, financialization and mercadification of the city: new strategies of capital reproduction

City branding, financiarización y mercadificación de la ciudad: nuevas estrategias para la reproducción del capital


This article proposes to establish a dialogue between territorial marketing and the commodification of space, evaluating the imagery construction strategies of the shop-window city / spectacle city1 1 Shop-window city and Spectacle city are free translations of expressions used by other authors (cidade vitrine and cidade espetáculo respectively), such as Gilmar Mascarenhas (2014), to name the process which many cities have gone through, that of commodification of the urban. This process will be worked on within the text, but as a first approximation it is worth saying that consumption in the city becomes - increasingly - the consumption of the city (and of space), which justifies the idea of "shop window city" and “spectacle city”. . We will analyze, albeit briefly, the spatial transformations promoted by “urban entrepreneurship”, which increasingly articulate the construction and sale of the city's image as a fundamental part of the capitalist accumulation process. It should be noted that the specificities of urbanization and financialization will also be considered. So, we ask: would marketing innovations be related to the space commodification process? How can we think of city marketing as part of the innovation economy? The answers to these questions will allow - in the course of the article - the identification of strategies used by territorial marketing in urban transformations, as well as the understanding of the mechanisms that involve city branding.

financialization; city branding; shop-window city; spectacle city

Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338 - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo , SP - Brasil. Cep: 05339-970, Tels: 3091-3769 / 3091-0297 / 3091-0296 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil