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An annotation to clinic: Gilles Deleuze, schizophrenia and its positivity

The article discuss about the subject of schizophrenia, taken as a negative sign when it's taken as pathology in the field of psychoses. It affirms that the medical psychiatric discourse celebrated its advent and commemorated such possibilities opened and revealed by the "freud-bleulerian" thought. It considers that the career of the schizophrenia, crossing the Anti-Psychiatry political movement, was confronted with another sort of experiences, being registered under a new logic that, under the conditions imposed by the Freudian happening, transformed the twentieth century's knowledge. It affirms that Gilles Deleuze understood that stunning, collected the part that fit him and documented it, especially in his work The Logic of Sense when inverted the polarity of the signs, making schizophrenia positive.

schizophrenia; Deleuze; clinic

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Psicologia Campus do Gragoatá, bl O, sala 334, 24210-201 - Niterói - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: +55 21 2629-2845 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil