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Pathogenicity of Pratylenchus coffeae on seedlings of coffee cv. Mundo Novo

The pathogenicity of two isolates of Pratylenchus coffeae from Brazil on coffee (Coffea arabica) seedlings cv. Mundo Novo was evaluated in two greenhouse experiments. In the first, the effect of initial population densities (Pi = 0; 333; 1,000; 3,000 and 9,000 nematodes per plant) was studied using an isolate of P. coffeae from Marília, SP, Brazil (host: coffee). The data were adjusted for the Seinhorst non linear model Y = m + (1-m).Z Pi-T. At the end of the experiment (270 days after inoculation), all plants infested with 9000 nematodes and most of those infested with 3000 were dead. Growth and photosynthesis were reduced, starting at 333 and 1000 nematodes, respectively. In the second experiment, two isolates of P. coffeae from Marília and Rio de Janeiro (host: Aglaonema sp.) were compared with respect to their pathogenicity, inoculating Pi = 8,000 nematodes per plant in coffee seedlings with two pairs of true leaves. Although photosynthesis was similarly reduced by both isolates, the Marília isolate caused intense darkening of the roots, leaf chlorosis and stronger reduction of root and shoot growth. In both experiments, multiplication factors of the isolates were low, indicating that coffee is a poor host for both isolates of P. coffeae. The differential pathogenicity observed in the second experiment supports previous results in the literature showing differences between these isolates concerning morphological features and host ranges.

Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia SGAS 902 Edifício Athenas - Bloco B, Salas 102/103, 70390-020 Brasília, DF, Tel./Fax: +55 61 3225-2421 - Brasília - DF - Brazil