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The universty-industry-govermnment relationship: a study of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)

Recent studies on the relationship between university and society have indicated the emergence of a Second Academic Revolution, as to the classical activities of teaching and research, universities are now incorporating local and regional development. Additionally, some authors suggest the Triple Helix concept, an intermediate proposal between free market economy and a centrally planned one, and an alternative for the linear innovation model approach. The present survey intends to appraise the intensity of these transformations in the Brazilian case, more specifically at a renowned university, Unicamp - established in the early 1960s to perform technological research to support the country's industrialisation process. First, data from Foundation for the Development of Unicamp were collected for the period 1982-1995. 732 contracts were evaluated. Contracts were analysed as to number, average duration, total funding, and average value, as well as by date and category of the funding agency. In the second part, a sample of 25% of the contracts conducted with industry and public administration was selected, a total of 116 contracts leading to 57 interviews with professors-co-ordinators of the selected contracts. Data collected during this phase were related to characterisation and evaluation of contracts, profile, motivation and interaction tendencies, as well as an appraisal of a liaison office.

Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade - Cedes Av. Berttrand Russel, 801 - Fac. de Educação - Anexo II - 1 andar - sala 2, CEP: 13083-865, +55 12 99162 5609, Fone / Fax: + 55 19 3521-6710 / 6708 - Campinas - SP - Brazil