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Eclética Química, Volume: 35, Issue: 1, Published: 2010
  • Comparison of the dehydration kinetics of solid state compounds of 2-methoxybenzylidenepyruvate with some divalent metal ions Article

    Kobelnik, M.; Ribeiro, C. A.; Dias, D. S.; Bernabé, G. A.; Crespi, M. S.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    o sal de sódio de 2-metoxibenzalpiruvato assim como os complexos metálicos do ligante 2-metoxibenzalpiruvico com os íons Fe, Co, Ni, Cu e Zn foram preparados e analisados no estado sólido. Curvas termogravimétricas (TG) destes compostos foram obtidas com massa de amostra em torno de 1 e 5mg em atmosfera de nitrogênio. Diferentes razões de aquecimento foram utilizadas para caracterizar e estudar estes compostos sob o ponto de vista cinético. A energia de ativação e o fator pré-exponencial foram obtidos com a aplicação, nas curvas TG, do método proposto por Wall-Flynn-Ozawa. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados e os valores obtidos de energia de ativação foram relacionados em função do grau de conversão (α). Os resultados apresentaram que devido a massa de amostras, diferentes energias de ativação foram obtidos. Os resultados também foram discutidos tendo em vista a dependência entre a energia de ativação e o fator pré-exponencial, onde foi verificado o efeito de compensação cinética (KCE) e possível relação linear entre as etapas de desidratação destes compostos.

    Abstract in English:

    Divalent metal complexes of ligand 2-methoxybenzylidenepyruvate with Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn as well as sodium salt were synthesized and investigated in the solid state. TG curves of these compounds were obtained with masses sample of 1 and 5mg under nitrogen atmosphere. Different heating rates were used to characterize and study these compounds from the kinetic point of view. The activation energy and pre-exponential factor were obtained applying the Wall-Flynn-Ozawa method to the TG curves. The obtained data were evaluated and the values of activation energy (Ea / kJ mol-1) was plotted in function of the conversion degree (α). The results show that due to mass sample, different activation energies were obtained. The results are discussed mainly taking into account the linear dependence between the activation energy and the pre exponential factor, where was verified the effect of kinetic compensation (KCE) and possible linear relations between the dehydrations steps of these compounds.
  • Mathematical equation correction to spectral and transport interferences in high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry: determination of lead in phosphoric acid Article

    Raposo Jr, Jorge Luiz; Oliveira, Silvana Ruella de; Nóbrega, Joaquim Araújo; Gomes Neto, José Anchieta

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Um método de correção de interferência espectral e de transporte é proposto, e foi aplicado para minimizar interferências por moléculas de PO produzidas em chama ar-acetileno e de transporte causada pela variação da concentração de ácido fosfórico. Átomos de Pb e moléculas de PO absorvem a 217,0005 nm, então Atotal217,0005 nm = A Pb217,0005 nm + A PO217,0005 nm. Monitorando o comprimento de onda alternativo de PO em 217,0458 nm, é possível calcular a contribuição relativa de PO na absorbância total a 217,0005 nm: A Pb217,0005 nm = Atotal217,0005 nm - A PO217,0005 nm = Atotal217,0005 nm - k (A PO217,0458 nm). O fator de correção k é a razão entre os coeficientes angulares de duas curvas analíticas para P obtidas a 217,0005 e 217,0458 nm (k = b217,0005 nm/b217,0458 nm). Fixando-se a taxa de aspiração da amostra em 5,0 ml min-1, e integrando-se a absorbância no comprimento de onda a 3 pixels, curvas analíticas para Pb (0,1 - 1,0 mg L-1) foram obtidas com coeficientes de correlação típicos > 0,9990. As correlações lineares entre absorbância e concentração de P nos comprimentos de onda 217,0005 e 217,0458 foram > 0,998. O limite de detecção de Pb foi 10 µg L-1. O método de correção proposto forneceu desvios padrão relativos (n=12) de 2,0 a 6,0%, ligeiramente menores que os obtidos sem correção (1,4-4,3%). As recuperações de Pb adicionado às amostras de ácido fosfórico variaram de 97,5 a 100% (com correção pelo método proposto) e de 105 a 230% (sem correção).

    Abstract in English:

    In this work, a new mathematical equation correction approach for overcoming spectral and transport interferences was proposed. The proposal was applied to eliminate spectral interference caused by PO molecules at the 217.0005 nm Pb line, and the transport interference caused by variations in phosphoric acid concentrations. Correction may be necessary at 217.0005 nm to account for the contribution of PO, since Atotal217.0005 nm = A Pb217.0005 nm + A PO217.0005 nm. This may be easily done by measuring other PO wavelengths (e.g. 217.0458 nm) and calculating the relative contribution of PO absorbance (A PO) to the total absorbance (Atotal) at 217.0005 nm: A Pb217.0005 nm = Atotal217.0005 nm - A PO217.0005 nm = Atotal217.0005 nm - k (A PO217.0458 nm). The correction factor k is calculated from slopes of calibration curves built up for phosphorous (P) standard solutions measured at 217.0005 and 217.0458 nm, i.e. k = (slope217.0005 nm/slope217.0458 nm). For wavelength integrated absorbance of 3 pixels, sample aspiration rate of 5.0 ml min-1, analytical curves in the 0.1 - 1.0 mg L-1 Pb range with linearity better than 0.9990 were consistently obtained. Calibration curves for P at 217.0005 and 217.0458 nm with linearity better than 0.998 were obtained. Relative standard deviations (RSD) of measurements (n = 12) in the range of 1.4 - 4.3% and 2.0 - 6.0% without and with mathematical equation correction approach were obtained respectively. The limit of detection calculated to analytical line at 217.0005 nm was 10 µg L-1 Pb. Recoveries for Pb spikes were in the 97.5 - 100% and 105 - 230% intervals with and without mathematical equation correction approach, respectively.
  • Photo-Fenton process for treating biological laboratory wastewater containing formaldehyde Article

    Fonseca, Janaína Conrado L.; Nogueira, Raquel F. Pupo; Marchi, Mary Rosa Rodrigues

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Laboratórios e centros de pesquisa consomem uma grande variedade de substâncias químicas perigosas e, consequentemente, geram resíduos contendo-as, como por exemplo: resíduo de formaldeído. O formol é bastante empregado na conservação de peças anatômicas, gerando muitos litros desse resíduo por ano. O presente trabalho sugere o uso do processo foto-Fenton com irradiação solar para tratar resíduo contendo formaldeído. Alguns aspectos foram estudados como a concentração da fonte de ferro, da amostra e do peróxido de hidrogênio, além da aplicação de agitação magnética. O uso de ferrioxilato (0,5 mol L-1) mostrou ser mais eficiente na degradação da matéria orgânica quando comparado ao nitrato férrico. Já a concentração de peróxido necessária para tratar 500 mg C L-1 foi de 1 mol L-1. Sob essas condições todo formaldeído detectável foi degradado e foi possível remover 89% da matéria orgânica dissolvida na amostra em duas horas. Tais resultados são considerados satisfatórios para descartar na rede de esgoto, segundo a agência paulista de controle ambiental.

    Abstract in English:

    Laboratories consume great amounts of hazardous chemicals substances and consequently generate wastewater containing them, for example formaldehyde. This substance is widely utilized to preserve biological samples generating many liters of this residue every year. The present work proposes the use of the photo-Fenton process to treat formaldehyde wastewater using sunlight irradiation. Some aspects were investigated such as the iron source, sample and hydrogen peroxide concentration and also the use of stirred systems. The use of ferrioxalate (0.5 mmol L-1) improved the efficiency of the process in relation to the use of iron nitrate, while at least 1.0 mol L-1 H2O2 is necessary to treat the sample of the 500 mg C L-1. Under these conditions, every formaldehyde detectable was degradeted and 89% of the dissolved organic carbon was removed in two hours of exposure to sunlight. These results are satisfaction considerate for São Paulo State Environmental Agency.
  • Flavonoids extraction from Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) Burtt et Smith leaves using different procedures Article

    Victório, Cristiane P.; Lage, Celso Luiz S.; Kuster, Ricardo M.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a melhor metodologia de extração para rápida e eficiente obtenção de flavonóides a partir de Alpinia zerumbet. Folhas secas foram extraídas com água destilada e etanol 70%, utilizando as metodologias de extração: maceração sob agitação, ultrassom, microondas e agitador. Para verificação dos flavonóides rutina e kaempferol-3-O-glicuronídeo foram utilizadas as técnicas de CCD e CLAE em fase reversa. O solvente etanol 70% foi mais eficiente como extrator. Para as metodologias ultrassom, microondas e agitador, não houve variação significativa para o rendimento utilizando etanol 70% (11 a 14%). A concentração relativa de rutina e kaempferol-3-O-glicuronídeo, respectivamente, foi maior pelos métodos de extração por ultrassom (1,5 e 5,62 mg g-1 folha seca) e microondas (1,0 e 6,64 mg g-1 folha seca), utilizando etanol 70%. Procedimentos rápidos e simplificados de extração otimizam o trabalho fitoquímico e a obtenção de metabólitos secundários.

    Abstract in English:

    The current study aims to verify the best method for a rapid and efficient extraction of flavonoids from Alpinia zerumbet. Dried leaves were extracted using distillated water and ethanol 70% by extraction methods of shaking maceration, ultrasonic, microwave and stirring. By the application of TLC and reversed-phase HPLC techniques the rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide were detected. Ethanol 70% was more efficient for flavonoids extraction than water. No significant yielding variation was verified for ultrasonic, microwave and stirring methods using ethanol 70% (11 to 14%). Relative concentration of rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide, respectively, was higher by ultrasonic (1.5 and 5.62 mg g-1 dried leaves) and by microwave (1.0 and 6.64 mg g-1 dried leaves) methods using 70% ethanol. Rapid and simplified extraction proceeding optimize phytochemical work and acquisition of secondary metabolites.
  • Spot-test identification and rapid quantitative sequential analysis of dipyrone Article

    Tubino, M.; Biondo, A. C.; Vila, M. M. D. C.; Pezza, L.; Pezza, H. R.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Um método "spot-test" qualitativo e seqüencialmente quantitativo é proposto para análise de dipirona em fármaco "puro" e em preparações farmacêuticas. A formação de coloração vermelho-violeta indica um resultado qualitativo positivo. Na seqüência, um procedimento quantitativo pode ser realizado no mesmo frasco. Os resultados quantitativos obtidos foram comparados estatisticamente com os resultados obtidos pelo método indicado pela Farmacopéia Brasileira, utilizando o teste t de Student e o teste F. Considerando a concentração em uma alíquota de 100 µL, o limite qualitativo visual de detecção foi de cerca 5×10-6 g; instrumentalmente o limite de detecção foi de LOD ≅ 1.4×10-4 mol L-1 e o limite de quantificação de LOQ ≅ 4.5×10-4 mol L-1.

    Abstract in English:

    A qualitative spot-test and tandem quantitative analysis of dipyrone in the bulk drug and in pharmaceutical preparations is proposed. The formation of a reddish-violet color indicates a positive result. In sequence a quantitative procedure can be performed in the same flask. The quantitative results obtained were statistically compared with those obtained with the method indicated by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, using the Student's t and the F tests. Considering the concentration in a 100 µL aliquot, the qualitative visual limit of detection is about 5×10-6 g; instrumental LOD ≅ 1.4×10-4 mol L-1 ; LOQ ≅ 4.5×10-4 mol L-1.
  • Production of biodiesel from babassu oil using methanol-ethanol blends Article

    Silva, F. C.; Cavalcante, K. S. B.; Louzeiro, H. C.; Moura, K. R. M.; Maciel, A. P.; Soledade, L. E. B.; Souza, A. G.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    O Estado de Maranhão no Brasil apresenta um potencial grande para o cultivo de várias espécies oleaginosas, como babaçu, feijão-soja, planta de óleo de rícino, etc... Estes óleos vegetais podem ser transformados em biodiesel pela reação de transesterificação em meio alcalino, usando metanol ou etanol. A produção de biodiesel a partir da mistura destes álcoois é uma forma de acrescentar as vantagens técnicas e econômicas do metanol às vantagens ambientais do etanol. A mistura de álcool otimizada foi observada usando a relação de volume metanol/etanol de 80 % MeOH: 20 % EtOH. O teor de ésteres foi de 98.70 %, um valor acima do exigido pela ANP, 96.5 % (m/m), e um rendimento de biodiesel em massa foi de 95.32 %. Este biodiesel cumpre as especificações de umidade, massa específica, viscosidade cinemática e percentagens de álcoois livres (metanol mais etanol) e glicerina livre.

    Abstract in English:

    Maranhão state in Brazil presents a big potential for the cultivation of several oleaginous species, such as babassu, soybean, castor oil plant, etc... These vegetable oils can be transformed into biodiesel by the transesterification reaction in an alkaline medium, using methanol or ethanol. The biodiesel production from a blend of these alcohols is a way of adding the technical and economical advantages of methanol to the environmental advantages of ethanol. The optimized alcohol blend was observed to be a methanol/ethanol volume ratio of 80 % MeOH: 20 % EtOH. The ester content was of 98.70 %, a value higher than the target of the ANP, 96.5 % (m/m), and the biodiesel mass yield was of 95.32 %. This biodiesel fulfills the specifications of moisture, specific gravity, kinematic viscosity and percentages of free alcohols (methanol plus ethanol) and free glycerin.
  • Sensitive spectrophotometric determination of lamotrigine in bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulations using bromocresol green Article

    Rajendraprasad, N.; Basavaiah, K.; Vinay, K. B.

    Abstract in English:

    Two new, simple, rapid and reproducible spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of lamotrigine (LMT) both in pure form and in its tablets. The first method (method A) is based on the formation of a colored ion-pair complex (1:1 drug/dye) of LMT with bromocresol green (BCG) at pH 5.02±0.01 and extraction of the complex into dichloromethane followed by the measurement of the yellow ion-pair complex at 410 nm. In the second (method B), the drug-dye ion-pair complex was dissolved in ethanolic potassium hydroxide and the resulting base form of the dye was measured at 620 nm. Beer's law was obeyed in the concentration range of 1.5-15 µg mL-1 and 0.5-5.0 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively, and the corresponding molar absorptivity values are 1.6932 x 10(4) and 3.748 x 10(4) L mol-1cm-1. The Sandell sensitivity values are 0.0151 and 0.0068 µg cm-2 for method A and method B, respectively. The stoichiometry of the ion-pair complex formed between the dug and dye (1:1) was determined by Job's continuous variations method and the stability constant of the complex was also calculated. The proposed methods were applied successfully for the determination of drug in commercial tablets.
  • Complexes of 4-chlorophenoxyacetates of Nd(III), Gd(III) and Ho(III) Article

    Ferenc, W.; Bernat, M.; Sarzyński, J.; Głuchowska, H.

    Abstract in English:

    The complexes of 4-chlorophenoxyacetates of Nd(III), Gd(III) and Ho(III) have been synthesized as polycrystalline hydrated solids, and characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopy, magnetic studies and also by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric measurements. The analysed complexes have the following colours: violet for Nd(III), white for Gd(III) and cream for Ho(III) compounds. The carboxylate groups bind as bidentate chelating (Ho) or bridging ligands (Nd, Gd). On heating to 1173K in air the complexes decompose in several steps. At first, they dehydrate in one step to form anhydrous salts, that next decompose to the oxides of respective metals. The gaseous products of their thermal decomposition in nitrogen were also determined and the magnetic susceptibilites were measured over the temperature range of 76-303K and the magnetic moments were calculated. The results show that 4-chlorophenoxyacetates of Nd(III), Gd(III) and Ho(III) are high-spin complexes with weak ligand fields. The solubility value in water at 293K for analysed 4-chlorophenoxyacetates is in the order of 10-4mol/dm³.
  • Assessment of hydrochemical quality of ground water under some urban areas within sana'a secreteriat Article

    AL- Ariqi, Wadie S.T; Ghaleb, Abduljalil A.D.S

    Abstract in English:

    Groundwater from nine wells of three different districts, located at Sana'a secretariat was analyzed for hydrochemical quality assessment. Measurements of water quality parameters including pH, EC, CO3(2-), HCO3-, Cl-, NO3-, SO4(2-), Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, K+, and Na+ were carried out . Classification of the groundwater samples according to Cl, SO4(2-), CO3(2-) and HCO3-, hardness (H), total dissolved solids (TDS), base-exchange, and meteoric genesis was demonstrated. Suitability of ground water samples for irrigation and industrial uses according to sodium adsorption ration (SAR), ratio of dissolved sodium (RDS), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) and saturation index (SI) was also investigated. The results of this study showed that almost all ground water samples were of good quality that makes them suitable for drinking and domestic uses. Results also indicated that even though some of the ground water samples were suitable for irrigation purposes, almost all of them were found not be good for industrial uses. Despite all drawbacks of the sewerage system built around Sana'a secretariat at the beginning of the first decade of the third millennium, the results of this study indicate that there is scope of significant improvement in Sana'a secretariat ground water quality.
  • Optimization of NMP extraction in 1, 3-butadiene production line Article

    Mortaheb, H.R.; Mafi, M.; Mokhtarani, B.; Khosravi, K.; Mashkini, F.

    Abstract in English:

    N-methylpyrrolidone is a powerful solvent for variety of chemical processes due to its vast chemical properties. It has been used in manufacturing processes of polymers, detergents, pharmaceuticals rubber and many more chemical substances. However, it creates large amount of residue in some of these processes which has to be dealt with. Many well known methods such as BASF in rubber producing units have tried to regenerate the solvent at the end of each run, however, there is still discarding of large amount of residue containing NMP, which over time, could cause environmental concerns. In this study, we have tried to optimize regeneration of the NMP extraction from butadiene production. It is shown that at higher temperatures NMP is separated from the residue with close to 90% efficiency, and the solvent residue proved to be the most effective with a 6: 1 ratio.
Fundação Editora da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Instituto de Química / UNESP, 14801-970 Araraquara SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3301-9636/3301-9631 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil