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Effect of the type and time of stirring in the catalytic activity of rutheniumporphyrin

In this work, the complex (carbonyl)[tetrakis(5,10,15,20-ortho-bromo-phenyl)porphyrin]ruthenium(II) was synthesized and its behavior as catalyst was investigated in the oxidation of cyclohexane by iodosylbenzene. The influence of the stirring (mechanical and ultra-sound) of the system was investigated and the results demonstrated good efficiency, selectivity and regeneration of the catalyst, when a mixed system of stirring was used.

Rutheniumporphyrin; catalysis; ciclohexane; oxidation; iodosylbenzene; stirring

Fundação Editora da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Instituto de Química / UNESP, 14801-970 Araraquara SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3301-9636/3301-9631 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil