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The sleep of criticism produces monsters: education in dispute, between freedom and barbarism


The study focuses on the Brazilian integrated secondary education (as an ideal type) – mainly in the current period with neoliberal advances that seek the reification of being –, includes factors that support the implementation of the model of this education and identifies two aspects The concept that is developed in freedom or barbarism depends on its premises and the social interests established by the agents involved. Thus, it seeks to establish the educational field as a dispute between different social hegemonies. The materials used are based on bibliographies that address the educational issue in relation to society in its practice of emancipation and are critically collected in books and scientific articles, characterized as a theoretical debate, but which is based on practices and methods of education material reality. The results confirm the hypothesis of the educational field in dispute, they also argue that integrated secondary education corresponds to the interests of the already hegemonic class, but that it is not something established, since it is in dispute, being found in social agents, such as educators and students, and in the union of classes, the movement for a possible liberating education. Thus, it is confirmed that where there is no criticism, monsters appear, as they are understood here. The study means an extension of the educational debate, it is recognized as a line of study and does not seek to close the discussion, but to broaden it, providing the location of concepts so that it is possible to identify fundamental forces for social orientations, public policies and praxis of life. daily.

Integrated secondary school; Education; Barbarism; Habitus; Ideology

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil