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Gymnastic self-movement: a phenomenological approach at the teaching and learning gymnastics process


Through methodologies in which the participation of the practitioner in the teaching and learning process plays a central role, autonomy is promoted and motivation to learn is strengthened. For the phenomenology, the participant is the action protagonist, considering the intention of the activity can only be experienced as an encounter between the subject and the activity itself and, in turn, among its corporeality and the environment in which it is inserted, joining the world. The focus of our analysis turned to Gymnastics for All (GfA). The aim of this study is to highlight fertile hypotheses in the methodology field of work in sports. The phenomenological research presented to be ideal for the aims of the study: to understand the experiences of the “lived world” in gymnastics in view of the different teaching methodologies: teacher-centered and student-centered. The investigation was based on action research. Data analysis was conducted by phenomenological reduction. With this in focus, two mixed-axes were defined, but presented with analytical roots: a) Gymnastic movement: the incorporation of the world; and b) All human life is related. From the phenomenological point of view, the pedagogical practice can only be experienced as a meeting between the educator and the student, and among the students among themselves, between corporeity’s. In this pedagogical intention, there is intense and continuous communication, in which happiness, desires, conquests, discoveries, sadness, fears and uncertainties through moving.

Methodology; Gymnastics for All; Phenomenology; Corporeity

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil