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The relation between federalism and municipalization: challenges for the construction of an articulated national education system in Brazil

This article results from a theoretical study of a historical and conceptual nature that analyzes the configuration of municipal and federative political institutions, the form of their assimilation in Brazil, and how they are articulated to the organization of national education. It discusses the organization of teaching, insofar as it relates to the offer of elementary instruction, and its relation to municipal and federative political institutions, pointing out the purely ideological - and also idealistic - construction of the municipalist discourse in Brazil since the 1940s, which reappeared vigorously during the constitutional debate of the 1980s. In such debate a whole tradition of political thinking on the organization of the Brazilian State and education was brushed aside. This tradition is discussed here to show that the debate between Anísio Teixeira and Carlos Correa Mascaro, regarded as pioneering on the municipalization of teaching, ignored this tradition as if the organization of teaching were disconnected from the debate about the organization of the Brazilian State, an omission that is felt throughout the debate on this issue from the 1980s to this day. The conclusions drawn here point to the urgent need to reformulate educational policies, allowing the construction of a truly articulated national education system, considering the particular historical and political aspects assumed by federalism and municipalism in Brazil.

Federalism; Municipalization; Organization of teaching

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil