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Post-graduation Self-evaluation Centers: an action proposal

The research on Self-evaluation Post-graduation Centers was thought as a quality instrument of the Foundation Visconde de Cairu (FVC). The goals aimed elaborating a Self-evaluation proposal for the Post-graduation Center of that Foundation were in order to meet the context requirements, its characteristics and also to enable community academic participation. The methodology used was a research through workshops. This process allowed to build up not only an institutional diagnosis collectivelly, but also to identify forces that facilitate and/or complicate the educational process. It also demonstrates the quality of what was produced and how to use findings in the planning and the decisions making process to reach institutional excellence. The Self-evaluation Center of the Foundation Visconde de Cairu is based on democratic principles and consolidates its social responsibility and its scientific-cultural commitment.

Institutional evaluation; Higher education; Post-graduation

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil