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Sexual violence perpetrated in adolescence and adult phase: analysis of reported cases in the capital of Rondônia



to analyze the epidemiological profile of reported cases of sexual violence perpetrated against women in Porto Velho, Rondônia.


a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study, including cases of violence against women aged 12 years or older registered in the Notifiable Diseases Information System from 2010 to 2018.


statistical significance was found among women who suffered sexual violence in relation to education (p=0.000); marital status (p=0.000); if they were pregnant women (p=0.026); if the aggressor had a relationship/degree of kinship as spouse/boyfriend (p=0.000); ex-spouse/boyfriend (p=0.002); friends/acquaintances (p=0.015); unknown (p=0.000); with suspected alcohol use (p=0.001) and for the place of occurrence (p=0.000), if it occurred other times (p=0.000); procedure performed (abortion provided for by law (p=0.001), emergency contraception (p=0.001), material collection (p= 0.012) and prophylaxis (p=0.000)); and means used in aggression (body strength/beating (p=0.000), threat (p=0.031), sharp object (p=0.000), firearm (p=0.000), hanging (p=0.000) and blunt object (p=0.019)).

Conclusion and implications for practice

sexual violence was evidenced as prevalent in adolescence, regardless of age group, and the type of aggression was rape. The contribution will enable efforts to be directed to prevent this disease in groups of younger ages in different forms of relationships.

Nursing; Epidemiological Monitoring; Women’s Health; Sexual Violence; Violence Against Women



analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos notificados de violência sexual perpetrada contra as mulheres em Porto Velho, Rondônia.


estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal, incluindo os casos de violência contra mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 12 anos registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação no período de 2010 a 2018.


verificou-se significância estatística entre mulheres que sofreram violência sexual em relação à escolaridade (p=0,000); situação conjugal/civil (p=0,000); se eram gestantes (p=0,026); se o agressor possuía vínculo/grau de parentesco como cônjuge/namorado (p=0,000); ex-cônjuge/namorado (p=0,002); amigos/conhecidos (p=0,015); desconhecido (p=0,000); suspeita do uso de álcool (p=0,001); local da ocorrência (p=0,000), se ocorreu outras vezes (p=0,000); procedimento realizado (aborto previsto em lei (p=0,001), contracepção de emergência (p=0,001), coleta de material (p=0,012) e profilaxia (p=0,000)); e meio usado na agressão (força corporal/espancamento (p=0,000), ameaça (p=0,031), objeto perfurocortante (p=0,000), arma de fogo (p=0,000), enforcamento (p=0,000) e objeto contundente (p=0,019)).

Conclusão e implicações na prática

evidenciou-se a violência sexual como prevalente na adolescência, independentemente da faixa etária, e o tipo de agressão foi o estupro. A contribuição possibilitará direcionar esforços na prevenção desse agravo em grupos de idades mais jovens nas diferentes formas de relacionamentos.

Enfermagem; Monitoramento Epidemiológico; Saúde da Mulher; Violência Sexual; Violência contra a Mulher



analizar el perfil epidemiológico de los casos denunciados de violencia sexual perpetrados contra mujeres en Porto Velho, Rondônia.


estudio transversal, cuantitativo y descriptivo, que incluye casos de violencia contra mujeres de 12 años o más registrados en el Sistema de Información de Enfermedades de Notificación Obligatoria de 2010 a 2018.


se encontró significación estadística entre las mujeres que sufrieron violencia sexual en relación con la escolaridad (p=0.000); el estado civil/conyugal (p=0.000); si eran mujeres embarazadas (p=0,026); agresor que tenía una relación/grado de parentesco cónyuge/novio (p=0,000); ex-cónyuge/novio (p=0,002); amigas/conocidas (p=0,015); desconocidas (p=0,000); con sospecha de consumo de alcohol (p=0,001); y para el lugar de ocurrencia (p=0,000), si ocurrió otras veces (p=0,000); procedimiento realizado (aborto previsto por la ley (p=0,001), anticoncepción de emergencia (p=0,001), recolección de material (p= 0,012) y profilaxis (p=0,000)); y medios utilizados en la agresión (fuerza corporal/golpeo (p=0,000), amenaza (p=0,031), objeto punzante (p=0,000), arma de fuego (p=0,000), ahorcamiento (p=0,000) y objeto contundente (p=0,019)).

Conclusión e implicaciones en la práctica

la violencia sexual se evidenció como prevalente en la adolescencia, independientemente del grupo de edad, y el tipo de agresión fue la violación. La contribución permitirá dirigir esfuerzos para prevenir esta enfermedad en grupos de edades más jóvenes en diferentes formas de relación.

Palabras clave:
Enfermería; Vigilancia Epidemiológica; Salud de la Mujer; Violencia Sexual; Violencia contra la Mujer


Sexual violence is recognized as a serious complex and multicausal public health problem as well as a violation of human rights. It mainly affects girls and women, contributing to the fragmentation of development stages, consequently, which can have a catastrophic impact on behavior in adult life.11 Taquette SR, Monteiro DLM, Rodrigues NCP, Ramos JAS. A invisibilidade da magnitude do estupro de meninas no Brasil. Rev Saude Publica. 2021;55:103. PMid:34932694.

2 Nunes AJ, Sales MCV. Violência contra crianças no cenário brasileiro. Cien Saude Colet. 2016 jul;21(3):871-80. PMid:26960099.
-33 Baigorria J, Warmling D, Neves CM, Delziovo CR, Salema Coelho EB. Prevalence and associated factors with sexual violence against women: systematic review. Rev Salud Publica (Bogota). 2017 Nov-Dez;19(6):818-26. PMid:30183837.

On the world stage, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 31% of women aged 15 years and over have experienced, at some point in their lives, physical, sexual or both forms of violence at least once in their lives.44 World Health Organization (WHO). Prevalence estimates of violence against women, 2018: Global, regional and national prevalence estimates for intimate partner sexual violence against women and global and regional prevalence estimates for sexual violence against women by non-partners [Internet]. Switzerland: WHO; 2021 [citado 2022 fev 20]. Disponível em:
While there are many other forms of violence that women are exposed to, these two provide an expanded picture of the proportion of women who suffer this grievance in the world.

In Brazil, despite the establishment of government policies to combat sexual violence, the problem still affects a considerable portion of the population, with prevalence that vary according to age group and social group investigated. Overall, the prevalence found is 20.4%, affecting twice as many women as men. Children suffer sexual violence seven times more, and adolescents, six times more, when compared to other age groups, constituting the most vulnerable groups. Moreover, some factors have been associated with sexual violence, such as vulnerability to poverty, unemployment and educational level, i.e., illiterates have almost twice the prevalence of sexual violence than people with higher education.55 Silva JV, Roncalli AG. Prevalence of sexual violence in Brazil: associated individual and contextual factors. Int J Public Health. 2018;63(8):933-44. PMid:29926125.

Another significant data that deserves to be highlighted is the number of aggressors suspected of using alcohol (15.6%), among which 55.1% were children’s parents.66 Barcellos TMT, Góes FGB, Silva ACSS, Souza AN, Camilo LA, Goulart MCL. Violência contra crianças: descrição dos casos em município da baixada litorânea do Rio de Janeiro. Rev Esc Anna Nery. 2021;25(4):e20200485.
However, there are several impacts of sexual violence on women’s lives with physical, psychological and social consequences that can be found in the short and long term, being devastating, especially when it occurs in childhood or adolescence. Sexual violence is a strong stressor in relation to the normal process of growth and development,22 Nunes AJ, Sales MCV. Violência contra crianças no cenário brasileiro. Cien Saude Colet. 2016 jul;21(3):871-80. PMid:26960099.
,55 Silva JV, Roncalli AG. Prevalence of sexual violence in Brazil: associated individual and contextual factors. Int J Public Health. 2018;63(8):933-44. PMid:29926125.
,77 Ali P, Mcgarry J, Dhingra K. Identifying signs of intimate partner violence. Emerg Nurse. 2016;23(9):25-9. PMid:26853673.
,88 Hughes E, Lucock M, Brooker C. Sexual violence and mental health services: a call to action. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2019;28(6):594-7. PMid:30854994.
in addition to suicide attempts and unwanted pregnancies.99 Delziovo CR. Violência sexual contra a mulher: características, consequências e procedimentos realizados nos serviços de saúde, de 2008 a 2013, em Santa Catarina, Brasil [tese]. Florianópolis (SC): Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2015.

Some authors99 Delziovo CR. Violência sexual contra a mulher: características, consequências e procedimentos realizados nos serviços de saúde, de 2008 a 2013, em Santa Catarina, Brasil [tese]. Florianópolis (SC): Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2015.

10 Nunes MCA, Lima RFF, Morais NA. Violência Sexual contra Mulheres: um Estudo Comparativo entre Vítimas Adolescentes e Adultas. Psicologia (Cons Fed Psicol). 2017 out/dez;37(4):956-69.

11 Gaspar RS, Pereira MUL. Evolução da notificação de violência sexual no Brasil de 2009 a 2013. Cad Saude Publica. 2018;34(11):e00172617. PMid:30427416.

12 Santarem MD, Marmontel M, Pereira NL, Vieira LB, Savaris RF. Epidemiological profile of the victims of sexual violence treated at a referral center in southern Brazil. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2020 set;42(9):547-54. PMid:32992357.

13 Batista VC, Back IR, Monteschio LVC, Arruda DC, Rickli HC, Grespan LR et al. Profile of the notifications on sexual violence. J Nursing UFPE. 2018;12(5):1372-80.

14 Teixeira EC, Leite APL, Santos WHM, Chaves JHB, Duarte IAC, Cavalcante JC. Characteristics of cases of sexual violence that occurred in Alagoas between 2007-2016. O. Mundo Saude. 2019;43(4):834-53.
-1515 Albuquerque AL, Silva WC. Profile of sexual violence against women served in the service of women. J Nursing UFPE. 2017 maio;11(Supl 5):2106-15. have sought to characterize the situation of sexual violence experienced by women in different parts of the country. However, no study was identified on cases of sexual violence against girls and women in Porto Velho. In this context, the scarcity of studies in the thematic area promotes the invisibility of the problem of violence and health problems for women in the North region, more specifically in Rondônia.

Therefore, the topic to be investigated is relevant, as it presents a problem that has taken on alarming dimensions in the current scenario in the world, in Brazil and, more precisely, in the proposed scenario. In addition to this, this phenomenon is one of the problems of both public and social health that affects physical and psychological integrity, in addition to constituting a violation of women’s rights.11 Taquette SR, Monteiro DLM, Rodrigues NCP, Ramos JAS. A invisibilidade da magnitude do estupro de meninas no Brasil. Rev Saude Publica. 2021;55:103. PMid:34932694.

In this regard, this study aimed to analyze the epidemiological profile of reported cases of sexual violence perpetrated against women in Porto Velho, Rondônia.


This is a quantitative and descriptive study, carried out in a transversal way, guided by the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology Statement (STROBE). Data collection was carried out in March 2020 by the main researcher, based on the information contained in the individual notification/investigation form of domestic, sexual and/or other interpersonal and self-inflicted violence, in the database of the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN - Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação), made available by the Municipal Health Department of Porto Velho/Rondônia, from 2010 to 2018, stored in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, version 2013, containing information organized according to the items on the notification form and later analyzed using the Epi Info software (version 7.2.4). Age equal to or greater than 12 years was considered as an inclusion criterion, based on the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), Law 8069 of July 13, 1990.1616 Lei n. 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990 (BR). Dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil [periódico na internet]. Brasília, DF, 13 jul 1990. [citado 2021 jul 14]. Disponível em:

During the previously selected period, 2,449 notifications were made on SINAN about interpersonal/self-inflicted violence. A total of 919 cases (37.5%) occurred due to sexual violence, of which 274 were excluded, as they were male (57 cases) and under 12 years of age (217 cases).

The variables were categorized in relation to women (race/color: brown, white, black, yellow, indigenous; education: illiterate, up to 4 years, from 4 to 8 years, more than 8 years; marital status/marital status: single, married/consensual union, widowed, separated and pregnant: yes or no), to aggressor (probable aggressor’s sex: male, female, both sexes; relationship/degree of kinship with the battered woman: father/mother, stepfather, spouse/boyfriend, ex-spouse/boyfriend, son (daughter), brother (sister), friends/stranger, stranger, caregiver, boss, person with institutional relationship, police/law enforcement officer, person, others; and suspected alcohol use: no or yes), to violent act (year of occurrence: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018; place of occurrence: residence, public road, commerce/services, bar or similar, school, collective housing, place of sports practice, others; occurred at other times: yes or no; type of sexual violence: sexual exploitation (yes, no), pornography (yes, no), indecent assault (yes, no), rape (yes, no), sexual harassment (yes, no), other (yes, no); procedure performed: abortion prescribed by law (yes, no), emergency contraception (yes, no), material collection (yes, no) and prophylaxis (yes, no); number of people involved: one, two or more; and means used in aggression: body strength/beating (yes, no), threat (yes, no), sharp object (yes, no), firearm (yes, no), hanging (yes, no), blunt object (yes, no), poisoning (yes, no), hot substance or object (yes, no), others (yes, no)) and to referral (health network, Assistance Network and Guardianship Council/Elderly Council, police stations, Public Ministry/Children and Youth Justice and other sectors).

Data were processed using the TabWin program (Tab for Windows), version 4.15, 2018, and later analyzed using descriptive statistics in Epi Info, version 7.2.4. To analyze the association between age groups (categorized between 12 and 19 years and older than 19 years) and the other study variables, chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests were performed, adopting a significance level of 5%. When the results of both tests pointed to a statistically significant association between variables, the interdependence pattern between them was tested through residual analysis (difference between what was observed and what was expected) in a standardized and adjusted way, so that residuals above 1.96 or below -1.96 indicated, respectively, a significant positive or negative association between the results of the variables.

This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the União Educacional do Norte (UNINORTE), according to Opinion 3,910,065, in compliance with Resolution 466 of December 12, 2012 of the Brazilian National Health Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde) regarding research with human beings.


Among the 645 women who experienced sexual violence, there was statistical significance for education (p=0.000), marital/civil status (p=0.000) and pregnant women (p=0.026). Most cases were between the age group of 12 to 19 years (77.3%), with a positive association of these with education between 4 and 8 years, and for those over 19 years old with illiteracy, more than 8 years of education, married/consensual union, widowed and separated (Table 1).

Table 1
Analysis of the association of the profile of women who suffered sexual violence according to age group. Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, 2010-2018.

Regarding the aggressor’s profile, there was statistical significance with the relationship/degree of kinship of spouse/boyfriend (p=0.000), ex-spouse/ boyfriend (p=0.002), friends/acquaintances (p=0.015), stranger (p=0.000) and others (p=0.047) and with suspected alcohol use (p=0.001).

There was a positive association when the act was performed by the spouse/boyfriend, and a negative association, when unknown, for those between 12 and 19 years old, when compared with the age group over 19 years old. In a complementary way, a negative association was identified when the act was performed by friends/acquaintances, and positive, by ex-spouse/ex-boyfriend and with suspected alcohol use by the probable aggressor for those over 19 years old (Table 2).

Table 2
Analysis of the association of the aggressor profile according to the age group of women who suffered sexual violence. Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, 2010-2018.

For the violent act, the variables place of occurrence (p=0.000), whether it occurred at other times (p=0.000), procedure performed is abortion provided for by law (p=0.001), emergency contraception (p=0.001), collection of material (p=0.012) and prophylaxis (p=0.000), as well as the means used in aggression, as body strength/beating (p=0.000), threat (p=0.031), sharp object (p=0.000), firearm (p=0.000), hanging (p=0.000) and blunt object (p=0.019) presented statistical significance.

For those women who suffered sexual violence aged over 19 years, there was a positive association with the place of occurrence on the public road when it did not occur other times and had body strength/beating and hanging as the means used in aggression, when compared to those between 12 and 19 years old.

In addition, for people over 19 years of age, a negative association was identified when the place of occurrence was at home, and a positive association with others and commerce/services. There was a negative association when the procedure used was material collection, and a positive association for abortion provided for by law, emergency contraception and prophylaxis. Finally, there was a positive association between sharp objects, firearms and blunt objects as the means used in aggression (Table 3).

Table 3
Analysis of the association of women who suffered sexual violence according to the violent act characteristics. Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, 2010-2018.

The variables related to being pregnant when women suffered sexual violence, the profile of the probable perpetrator of sexual violence to others, the bond/degree of kinship with the abused woman, as well as the threat as a means used in aggression, showed statistically significant results for the chi-square test. However, it was not possible to affirm association of variables with age group for the standardized residue analysis.

Regarding referrals, regardless of the age group of women who suffered sexual violence, these occurred mainly to the health network (39.5%), followed by the Social Assistance Network and Guardianship Council/Elderly Council (22.7%), although not all reported cases have a record of the referral made (Table 4).

Table 4
Distribution of referrals of women who have suffered sexual violence according to age group. Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, 2010-2018.


From the analysis of the data obtained in this research, it was possible to identify the predominance of reported cases of women in situations of sexual violence in Porto Velho, Rondônia, among adolescents aged between 12 and 19 years and with low education. The higher occurrence of violence and sexual violence against adolescent women was also pointed out in other studies carried out in the Federal District,1717 Silva LEL, Oliveira MLC. Características epidemiológicas da violência contra a mulher no Distrito Federal, 2009 a 2012. Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2016 abr-jun;25(2):331-42. PMid:27869951. Alagoas,1414 Teixeira EC, Leite APL, Santos WHM, Chaves JHB, Duarte IAC, Cavalcante JC. Characteristics of cases of sexual violence that occurred in Alagoas between 2007-2016. O. Mundo Saude. 2019;43(4):834-53.
Santa Catarina99 Delziovo CR. Violência sexual contra a mulher: características, consequências e procedimentos realizados nos serviços de saúde, de 2008 a 2013, em Santa Catarina, Brasil [tese]. Florianópolis (SC): Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2015. and Fortaleza.1010 Nunes MCA, Lima RFF, Morais NA. Violência Sexual contra Mulheres: um Estudo Comparativo entre Vítimas Adolescentes e Adultas. Psicologia (Cons Fed Psicol). 2017 out/dez;37(4):956-69.
It was also found that lower education has been associated with a higher probability of experiencing sexual violence.99 Delziovo CR. Violência sexual contra a mulher: características, consequências e procedimentos realizados nos serviços de saúde, de 2008 a 2013, em Santa Catarina, Brasil [tese]. Florianópolis (SC): Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2015.,1010 Nunes MCA, Lima RFF, Morais NA. Violência Sexual contra Mulheres: um Estudo Comparativo entre Vítimas Adolescentes e Adultas. Psicologia (Cons Fed Psicol). 2017 out/dez;37(4):956-69.
,1717 Silva LEL, Oliveira MLC. Características epidemiológicas da violência contra a mulher no Distrito Federal, 2009 a 2012. Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2016 abr-jun;25(2):331-42. PMid:27869951.

On the other hand, in Recife, the majority of women who have experienced sexual violence (66.9%) are between 29 and 49 years old, with 9 to 12 years of education.1515 Albuquerque AL, Silva WC. Profile of sexual violence against women served in the service of women. J Nursing UFPE. 2017 maio;11(Supl 5):2106-15. The difference with the findings from Porto Velho indicates that there is a different profile for sexual violence in different Brazilian regions and states, which will demand specific actions in each location to assist these women in case prevention. However, it is noted that in Brazil it is a vulnerability that affects women in their different stages of life.

Considering the relationship/degree of kinship with abused women, this study pointed to the spouse/boyfriend as the probable perpetrator of sexual violence against adolescents, in line with the evidence that the main aggressor of violence against women was perpetrated by an intimate partner.1818 Baigorria J, Warmling D, Neves CM, Delziovo CR, Coelho EBS. Prevalência e fatores associados da violência sexual contra a mulher: revisão sistemática. Rev Salud Publica. 2017;19(6):818-26. PMid:30183837.
,1919 Mascarenhas MDM, Tomaz GR, Meneses GMS, Rodrigues MTP, Pereira VOM, Corassa RB. Análise das notificações de violência por parceiro íntimo contra mulheres, Brasil, 2011–2017. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2020;23(Suppl 1):e200007. PMid:32638984.
In a survey carried out with adolescents in five East African countries, the prevalence of experiencing this type of violence was 45.1% (n=2,380).2020 Memiah P, Cook C, Kingori C, Munala L, Howard K, Ayivor S et al. Correlates of intimate partner violence among adolescents in East Africa: a multi-country analysis. Pan Afr Med J. 2021;40:142. PMid:34925677.

In this reason, sexual violence pervades different reasons listed by the aggressors and women who have experienced this aggravation. This experience permeates personal, family, past histories, behavior, and, therefore, the high rates of occurrence of this type of violence are found in research around the world.2121 Enríquez-Canto Y, Ortiz-Montalvo YJ, Ortiz-Romaní KJ, Díaz-Gervasi GM. Ecological analysis of intimate partner sexual violence in Peruvian women. Acta Colomb Psicol. 2020;23(1):272-86.,2222 Trabold N, Mcmahon J, Alsobrooks S, Whitney S, Mittal M. A systematic review of intimate partner violence interventions: state of the field and implications for practitioners. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2020 abr;21(2):311-25. PMid:29649966.

Furthermore, strategies must be designed and implemented to deal with sexual violence within the marital relationship. At the same time, it is necessary to develop ways of raising awareness, especially in Primary Health Care (PHC), about women’s sexual and reproductive rights. Finally, an environment is needed that allows access to these rights and that allows women to express themselves and become aware of the different forms of violence, as well as the institutions that they can seek help and/or support. It should be noted that one of the specific goals of the Sustainable Development Goal for Health (SDG 3)2323 Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável [Internet]. 2018 [citado 2021 jul 20]. Disponível em:
refers that, by 2030, it must be ensured that sexual and reproductive health services, access to information, education and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs must be accessible to all.

Regarding the profile of the probable perpetrator of sexual violence, in this study, the male aggressor was predominant among adult women, stranger to these women, having acted under suspicion of alcohol and used physical force, beatings, sharp objects, firearms and blunt objects as a resource for aggression. The findings corroborate with other studies.1010 Nunes MCA, Lima RFF, Morais NA. Violência Sexual contra Mulheres: um Estudo Comparativo entre Vítimas Adolescentes e Adultas. Psicologia (Cons Fed Psicol). 2017 out/dez;37(4):956-69.
,1515 Albuquerque AL, Silva WC. Profile of sexual violence against women served in the service of women. J Nursing UFPE. 2017 maio;11(Supl 5):2106-15.,2424 Souto RMCV, Barufaldi LA, Nico LS, Freitas MG. Perfil epidemiológico do atendimento por violência nos serviços públicos de urgência e emergência em capitais brasileiras, Viva 2014. Cien Saude Colet. 2017;22(9):2811-23. PMid:28954133.
A study on sexual violence in Kenya found that the aggressor is usually a stranger (57.3%). However, since the victims are children, they become a close person, a family member or friend, because, out of 61, only five children were attacked by strangers.2525 Muriuki EM, Kimani J, Machuki Z, Kiarie J, Roxby AC. Sexual assault and HIV postexposure prophylaxis at an urban African hospital. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2017;31(6):255-60. PMid:28605228.
In this regard, this research justifies the difference in the bond between the aggressor and adult women, compared to adolescents, that the aggressor is their spouse/boyfriend.

Prophylaxis against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and abortion provided for by law were the procedures most frequently chosen in this research after the occurrence of violent sexual intercourse. However, it is the right of women and adolescents, during emergency care in the first 72 hours after the occurrence of the disease, to be informed about protective measures, such as emergency contraception and STI/HIV and hepatitis prophylaxis, including the decision to legally terminate pregnancy in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, a situation provided for in the Brazilian Penal Code since 1940 and by the International Human Rights Norms by the ECA.1616 Lei n. 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990 (BR). Dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil [periódico na internet]. Brasília, DF, 13 jul 1990. [citado 2021 jul 14]. Disponível em:

It is also important to highlight the need for clinical and laboratory follow-up during the 28 days of use of the prophylactic medication, as there was research2626 De Jesus GR, Rodrigues NP, Braga GC, Abduch R, Melli PPS, Duarte G et al. Assistance to victims of sexual violence in a referral service: a 10-year experience. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2022;44(1):47-54. PMid:35092959.
in which patients needed to adapt antiretroviral therapy (ART) due to hematological changes. However, the complete health service structuring, based on interdisciplinary care, is fundamental for the high acceptance of prophylaxis prescribed to girls and women in situations of violence.2727 Nísida IV. Atendimento integral às vítimas de violência sexual em um serviço de referência em São Paulo: caracterização dos usuários atendidos em até 72 horas após a agressão, aceitação da profilaxia pós exposição para infecção pelo HIV e permanência no atendimento [tese]. São Paulo (SP): Universidade de São Paulo; 2018.

A study2525 Muriuki EM, Kimani J, Machuki Z, Kiarie J, Roxby AC. Sexual assault and HIV postexposure prophylaxis at an urban African hospital. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2017;31(6):255-60. PMid:28605228.
pointed to low compliance with the 28-day post-exposure prophylaxis, as only 34% of 207 victims of sexual violence completed the regimen and only 10.1% returned to repeat the HIV test within three months. In addition to this, the authors found that victims present more for prophylaxis within 72 hours when the aggressor is a stranger. Following this logic, in Porto Velho, special attention is given to the segment of adolescent women who are most attacked by their spouses/boyfriends and need to be oriented regarding the risk of acquiring HIV and the possibility of making use of prophylaxis.

Other authors11 Taquette SR, Monteiro DLM, Rodrigues NCP, Ramos JAS. A invisibilidade da magnitude do estupro de meninas no Brasil. Rev Saude Publica. 2021;55:103. PMid:34932694.
,99 Delziovo CR. Violência sexual contra a mulher: características, consequências e procedimentos realizados nos serviços de saúde, de 2008 a 2013, em Santa Catarina, Brasil [tese]. Florianópolis (SC): Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2015.,1010 Nunes MCA, Lima RFF, Morais NA. Violência Sexual contra Mulheres: um Estudo Comparativo entre Vítimas Adolescentes e Adultas. Psicologia (Cons Fed Psicol). 2017 out/dez;37(4):956-69.
refer that sexual violence is considered a traumatic event and has multiple effects on girls and women, and can cause physical, sexual, psychological and social damage to them. However, psychological care is essential for women who have experienced sexual violence, due to the negative repercussions inherent to the situation experienced, which can aggravate pre-existing situations and persist throughout life with a negative impact on future sexual relationships.2626 De Jesus GR, Rodrigues NP, Braga GC, Abduch R, Melli PPS, Duarte G et al. Assistance to victims of sexual violence in a referral service: a 10-year experience. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2022;44(1):47-54. PMid:35092959.

In the analysis of the variables that presented high percentages in the ignored/blank option (place of occurrence, indecent assault, pregnant woman, race/color, education, among others), it is noteworthy that these findings, in relation to unfilled gaps, are similar to other studies that also reported on the fragility of notifications, showing high rates of failure to adequately fill out the notification form.99 Delziovo CR. Violência sexual contra a mulher: características, consequências e procedimentos realizados nos serviços de saúde, de 2008 a 2013, em Santa Catarina, Brasil [tese]. Florianópolis (SC): Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2015.,2828 Oliveira CAB, Alencar LN, Cardena RR, Moreira KFA, Pereira PPS, Fernandes DER. Perfil da vítima e características da violência contra a mulher no estado de Rondônia - Brasil. Rev Cuid. 2019;10(1):e573. It is essential to develop ongoing training processes to sensitize and equip health professionals to fill in the compulsory notification form with quality information.

More than that, through proper registration and notification, it is possible to conduct epidemiological monitoring capable of supporting the elaboration of integrated and intersectoral public policies by the network to combat violence. With a view to reducing morbidity and mortality resulting from violence, equity, quality of life and the guarantee of the rights of girls and women are consequently promoted.

In a complementary way, the establishment of an effective and articulated support network is notorious, as well as advances in the referral of cases of sexual violence from the service to other services to combat violence. It is worth mentioning that the non-use of standardized care protocols and flows can characterize a limitation to the care provided.2929 Vieira LJES, Silva ACF, Moreira GAR, Cavalcanti LF, Silva RM. Protocolos na atenção à saúde de mulheres em situação de violência sexual sob a ótica de profissionais de saúde. Cien Saude Colet. 2016;21(12):3957-65. PMid:27925135.
Cases of violence should be referred to services, such as the health network, the Specialized Police Station for Woman Care (DEAM)3030 Ministério da Saúde (BR), Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Departamento de Vigilância de Doenças e Agravos Não Transmissíveis e Promoção da Saúde. Viva: instrutivo notificação de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2016 [citado 2022 fev 20]. 92 p. Disponível em:
and the Guardianship Council, the latter when the disease occurs in children and adolescents, as provided for in the ECA.1616 Lei n. 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990 (BR). Dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil [periódico na internet]. Brasília, DF, 13 jul 1990. [citado 2021 jul 14]. Disponível em:

It is believed that the specialized monitoring of these women will bring security and encouragement, so that they can face the adversities of situation of violence. Therefore, teams of qualified professionals in different reception scenarios will certainly support a more humanized and effective care in terms of empowering these girls and women to break the cycle of violence.


It was found that, regardless of age group, the most prevalent type of violence was rape, that is, this vulnerability affects all women in their different stages of life. Therefore, it is emphasized that there is a need to focus efforts on the prevention of this condition in younger age groups, such as through school strategies to prevent violence in its different forms in initial relationships. As for the referral sites, the women were referred to the health networks. These are organized in order to make possible, from accessibility, monitoring and treatment of possible damages caused to the physical or mental health of these women.

In this context, knowledge of the epidemiological profile of reported cases in the capital of Rondônia represents an important tool for organizing the services involved in the network for coping with violence experienced by women, in the sense of carrying out intersectoral actions in care networks, especially with regard to the line of care for women’s health, in which the performance of nursing professionals stands out.

This study contributed significantly, as it allowed to give visibility to this serious phenomenon experienced by women in Porto Velho, regardless of age group, even knowing that this portrait is only the tip of an iceberg, because the stigma and shame, associated with the act, prevent and/or silence women who have experienced the aggravation of the abuse and aggression experienced. Moreover, it is emphasized that the perception of sexual violence by women becomes a difficult factor, since some are unaware of the types of violence and, mainly, because they do not recognize that sexual intercourse without their consent is one of these forms.

The results also pointed to the need to qualify professionals for embracing women in situations of violence. There is a need to promote the complete recording of information in the notification form/Individual Investigation of Domestic, Sexual and/or Other Interpersonal Violence (FNIV), since several fields on this form were blank and/or ignored, compromising the importance of providing care to women and their referral to the violence protection network.

In this sense, discussions on the theme of violence and its different forms contribute to the elaboration of public policies necessary for women who experience this problem. However, it is worth noting that the network to combat violence against women, especially health services, must be prepared to welcome these women who, in turn, may have an impact mainly on mental health, requiring efforts from professionals to address their needs.

It is noteworthy that this study has as a limitation the considerable number of gaps absent in the notification forms analyzed and that, in a way, made it impossible to carry out other more improved analyses, in addition to the underreporting of cases of sexual violence in the studied municipality. It is essential to develop public policies that can improve both the service and the awareness of professionals who perform the reception of this social follow-up, with the intention of guaranteeing the necessary information for a comprehensive care and that can provide subsidies for management planning in this line of care.


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Edited by


Gerson Luiz Marinho 0000-0002-2430-3896


Ivone Evangelista Cabral 0000-0002-1522-9516

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 June 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    01 Nov 2021
  • Accepted
    12 Apr 2022
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rua Afonso Cavalcanti, 275, Cidade Nova, 20211-110 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3398-0952 e 3398-0941 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil