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The relationship between XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism and esophageal cancer in Chinese population: a meta-analysis


It has been reported that xeroderma pigmentosum group D (XPD) Asp312Asn is related to esophageal cancer (EC). Nevertheless, in 12 recent years, some researchers have put forward different points of view. Thus, we aimed to investigate the relation between XPD Asp312Asn polymorphism and the risk of EC in Chinese. Related studies were searched in the databases between the beginning to October 2019. An OR with 14 the corresponding 95% CI was carried out to appraise the relevance. There were 8 studies with 2553 esophageal cancer cases and 3091 controls in 15 this meta-analysis. Due to no heterogeneities among the selected studies of all the four genetic models, fxed-effect model was used in each genotype. There was not significant relationship between XPD Asp312Asn polymorphism and EC in overall analyses by pooled ORs and subgroup analyses stratified by geographic area and source of controls. In conclusion, there may be not association between XPD Asp312Asn polymorphism and EC in Chinese populations. Further studies about other ethnic groups are needed to confirm this conclusion.

Chinese population; XPD Asp312Asn polymorphism; esophageal cancer; relationship

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