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Revision of ration scale for Pakistani servicemen according to geographical deployment and physical activity level


Optimum nutritional status is important to derive maximum benefits of training the forces and it can affect health status and wellbeing of the servicemen. The present study was conducted to explicate the nutritional composition of different food items in the standard ration as well as device ration of servicemen considering geographical deployment location and physical activity level of servicemen keeping in view food guidelines standards of nutrients. Accordingly, food items of the selected rations were collected from different suppliers and were analyzed using food analysis techniques by AOAC. Results indicated carbohydrates content of 722.11 + 26.4 g (71.37%), fats 164.19 + 14.5 g (16.22%) and proteins 125.36 + 11.2 g (12.39%) as well as total caloric contents of 4867.59+ 205 Kcal/soldier/day. Further, Soldiers deployed at higher altitude i.e., at 15000 feet above sea level supplied with extra rations to cope up extra caloric requirement and replacement of fresh fruits and vegetables. Suggested caloric plan was advised for 4045.85 ± 114 kcals and macronutrients distribution of carbohydrates (68%), fats (17.5%) and proteins (14.5%) were recommended. Conclusively, calorie density of existing ration scale was higher which needs to be rationalization and nutrition awareness programs should be conducted to increase the knowledge of servicemen for better health and nutrition status.

ration scale; duty area; physical activity; nutritional requirement; servicemen; optimal health

Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos Av. Brasil, 2880, Caixa Postal 271, 13001-970 Campinas SP - Brazil, Tel.: +55 19 3241.5793, Tel./Fax.: +55 19 3241.0527 - Campinas - SP - Brazil