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The relationship between the insertion/deletion gene polymorphism of ACE and atrial fibrillation in Chinese population: a meta-analysis



In this study, we aimed to explore the relationship between the I/D gene polymorphism of ACE and the risk of AF in Chinese population. Materials and methods: Studies searched in several databases from beginning to July 2019 were included in our study. After screening by evaluation, thirteen articles were selected. Results: Our results showed that I/D gene polymorphism of ACE increased the risk of AF. The stratified analyses by case types and control sources suggested a markedly increased association in lone AF, hypertensive patients with AF, and un-typed AF, as well as in studies with hospital person and healthy person. The stratified geographical analysis indicated the risk of AF increased significantly in North China. Conclusions: All in all, our results indicated the marked relationship between I/D gene polymorphism of ACE and the increased risk of AF in Chinese population.

atrial fibrillation; insertion/deletion; gene polymorphism; angiotensin-converting enzyme

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