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Do depressive symptoms, anxiety and stressful symptoms during pregnancy affect gestational weight gain?


The scope of this article is to estimate the effects of symptoms of mental disorders during pregnancy (depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress) on gestational weight gain (kg). It is a longitudinal study, carried out with data from the BRISA Birth Cohort, which was launched in 2010 in São Luís, Maranhão. Gestational weight gain was classified according to the Institute of Medicine. The independent variable was a construct (latent variable) referred to as symptoms of mental disorders, made up of the depressive symptoms, anxiety and stressful symptoms variables (all on an ongoing basis). Structural equation modeling was used to investigate the association between mental health and weight gain. Regarding the association between symptoms of mental disorders and weight gain during pregnancy, no total effect was found (PC=0.043; p=0.377). Regarding indirect effects, no effect was found either through risk behaviors (PC=0.03; p=0.368) or through physical activity (PC=0.00; p=0.974). Finally, the data did not show a direct effect of symptoms of mental disorders during pregnancy such as gestational weight gain (PC=0.050; p=0.404). Gestational weight gain had no direct, indirect or total effect on symptoms of mental disorders in pregnant women.

Key words:
Depression; Anxiety; Mental health; Gestational weight gain; Longitudinal studies

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