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The rythm of transformations, exclusion, urban legislation and human condition in cities

The study constituites part of one research in Department of Heath and Sanitation Environment in the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Our research try to identify shadow areas of the Director Plan. Promote a planning that is able to face the situation, difficulties and the big demands of the present require: to fall away mechanical thesis; to consider the planning in its integrities of object and understand that the planning area of the city is the fundamental reality.The area of the city is a space of actions fighting against, a playing of causes and effects, impulsives and reactions; has a past acting in the present and a future that is necessary to choose. In the world commanded by law of world value, the plans became tributary of the aim of production, of the purpose of those who control production and reject de idea of attend society. The way out is to emerge a remarkableness in each subject in ourselves considering its throughs, its experiences and allow space for its manifestations, creating new versions in the scene of the culture, and take care of the feeling of people took away by the private interest.

Suburbanization; Urbanification; Space and quality of life subject's situation subjectivity

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