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The social representations of workers regarding the Family Health Program

The scope of this study is to analyze the social representations of workers regarding the Family Healthcare Program (FHP) to check its potential and limitations in order to change the healthcare model. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with eighteen health workers and by observing the working process of the teams of the Healthy Family Program (HFP) of five Regional Administrations in the Federal District. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using ALCESTE software, which generated two main trends. The first is related to social representations of the FHP, composed of several classes: the first class deals with FHP as a strategy to change the healthcare model; the second class refers to the difficulties of infrastructure, and the fifth class deals with family interaction based on medical practice. The second trend deals with daily practices of the HFP, composed of a third class, namely the actions developed by the HFP, and a fourth class that demonstrates the forms of organization and division of labor.

Family health; Primary healthcare; Healthcare model; Family medicine

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