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Clinical judgment and decision-making of the Undergraduate Nursing students


Clinical judgment and decision-making are essential competencies in nursing, emerging as expanding learning areas of nursing education. Aiming to characterize the types of clinical judgment and decision-making adopted by nursing students in clinical education, we designed a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study, with data collection obtained through documental analysis of nursing student’s reflective journals, in clinical education settings. Data analysis was performed according to Bardin using the webQDA software. Thirty-four students participated in the study, while attending the Clinical Learning Curricular Unit: Caring for Clients with Increased Vulnerability and Families in Transition, producing a total of 40 reflective journals. Of the 248 identified registration units, we highlight the evaluation decision-making with 45 registration units and the intervention decision-making, with 55 registration units. It is concluded that student´s reflections in the context of clinical teaching, are mainly about the assessment of the care situation and the decision-making related to the action. This study is intended to guide the learning of these competencies in nursing education.

Key words:
Students, Nursing; Clinical training; Decision making; Qualitative study; Education, Nursing

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