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Effects of application parameters on desiccation action of sulfosate herbicide on oats (Avena strigosa Schreb.)

The objective of this research was to investigate aspects of inter-relations of herbicide rate, its concentration in spray solution, and volume of vehicle diluent in the herbicide action of sulfosate, using oats as reagent species. The experiment was conducted during the 1994, growing season at the EEA/UFRGS, in Eldorado do Sul, RS, Brazil. There were tested five rates of sulfosate (0.75; 1.125; 1.5; 2.5; and 3,0 l ha-1 of formulated product); five diluent volumes (62; 94; 125; 188; and 250 l ha-1); and five concentrations in spray solution (0.6; 0.9; 1.2; 1.8; and 2.4% v/v); and also three standard treatments to compare with: glyphosate, paraquat + diuron, and a check plot not treated. In each situation, one of these parameters was maintained constant. There was no statistical differences in action between glyphosate and sulfosate when both were used under the same application conditions. At maintaining spray volume variable constant, it was detected significant response to sulfosate rate. This same behaviour repeated when herbicide concentration in spray solution was maintained constant and product rate varied. In both situations, final levels of control, varying between 90 and 100%, were reached only by sulfosate rates of 1.125 l ha-1 or higher; rate of 0.75 l ha-1 reached maximum control of 80%. When herbicide rate was maintained fixed, varying sulfosate concentration in spray solution, there were no differences among treatments. Oat plants treated at flowering with 0.75 l ha-1 of sulfosate partially accumulated reserves in grains, which also showed viability of germination in biossay.

sulfosate rate; herbicide concentration; diluent volume; glyphosate, paraquat + diuron

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil