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Recovery of inorganic waste for civil construction

The aim of this work was to recover two inorganic wastes from ceramic industries by use in the mortar material. Tests regarding the chemical and structural evolution with temperature were performed with specific test samples, which revealed that both residues improved their properties by presence of alumina and metakaolinite phases. The morphological, chemical and mineralogical characterizations of different waste disposal batches revealed that in some cases they should be treated by those conformation processes. The presence of these phases contributes to a good physical and chemical behavior of the waste materials, which presented pozzolanic and cementitious characteristics. Moreover, the tests performed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, compression resistance, and heat conductivity were correlated, and showed a good performance of these wastes to be used in the mortar material.

Portland cement; residues; mortar

Associação Brasileira de Cerâmica Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532 - IPT - Prédio 36 - 2º Andar - Sala 03 , Cidade Universitária - 05508-901 - São Paulo/SP -Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 (11) 3768-7101 / +55 (11) 3768-4284 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil