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Space characterization and distribution of non-fatal traffic accidents



Traffic accidents result in deaths and injuries that impact people's quality of life.


The objective of this study aimed to characterize and spatially distribute the non-fatal traffic accidents in a metropolis in the Northwest of Paraná.


This work was characterized by an ecological and cross-sectional study, with information from a probability sampling of 423 victims from the Traffic Accident Reporting Bulletins (in Portuguese Boletins de Ocorrência de Acidente de Trânsito (BOAT)) of the 4th Military Police Battalion of Maringá, in the state of Paraná. Percent distributions with respective confidence intervals for the qualitative variables, as well as measures of central tendency for the quantitative variables were verified. Cartographic production was carried out with the aid of Excel® and QGIS® 2.6.1 software.


There was a predominance of male victims (85.0%), under the age of 30 (58.4%), including paying jobs (92.3%), in which 55.0% of them were motorcyclists, 89.4% of drivers with up two years of driving experience, and 59.3% were hospitalized due to injuries. Regarding the spatial distribution, the central districts of the city and its neighborhoods, such as, Alvorada, Zona 7 and Vila Morangueira, presented the largest number of occurrences.


Characteristics of the victims: young men under 30, workers, motorcyclists with predominance of occurrence rates in the central region and neighborhoods. Interventions need to be done to reduce and identify the location of critical points and their most serious consequences.

traffic accidents; external causes; young adult; epidemiology

Instituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Avenida Horácio Macedo, S/N, CEP: 21941-598, Tel.: (55 21) 3938 9494 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil