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Leaf production of different mulberry tree varieties, during the period of seedlings formation by the systems "cepo" and "fuste"

In this paper the experimental results are reported on trials with leaf production carried out with common varieties of mulberry trees (Morus alba)during the period of seedlings formatioin by the systems known as "cepo" and "fuste", in two regions of the Paulista Plateau, namely Limeira and Tatuí. Regarding leaf production, in two years, for the regions, results allowed to reach the following conclusions: In Limeira, for the variety Calabreza, the system "fuste" showed highly superior to that named "cepo". As to the varieties Fernão Dias and Lopes Lins, the "fuste" system was also very satisfactory but not in a remarkable manner. In Tatui, as for the varieties Calabreza and Fernão Dias, the "cepo" system, on the contrary, showed to be more productive. Considering the variety Lopes Lins, there was not found any difference between the two tested cultivation systems.

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