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Composition and vertical distribution of epiphytic pteridophytes on Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. (Dicksoniaceae), in mixed ombrophylous forest in Southern Brazil

Dicksonia sellowiana Hook., a tree fern species, is illegally extracted from the Mixed Ombrophylous Forest of southern Brazil, what changes the vegetation structure and reduces the availability of micro-habitats for epiphytic species. The composition and the vertical distribution of epiphytic pteridophytes were studied on D. sellowiana. The study was carried out in a Mixed Ombrophylous Forest area, at the Parque Municipal da Ronda in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. One hundred and sixty four phorophytes were selected and their caudices were divided at intervals of 1 m, from the ground. At each interval the occurrence of pteridophyte species was recorded, and the frequency by phorophyte and by interval was calculated. Twenty species were recorded, from 13 genera and seven families, and habitual holoephiphytes predominated. The largest specific richness was found in Aspleniaceae (6) and in the Asplenium L. genus (6). The species with the highest relative frequency on the phorophytes were Trichomanes angustatum Carmich., Blechnum binervatum (Poir.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger and Vittaria lineata (L.) Sm.. Considering a sub-sample of 60 phorophytes, T. angustatum and B. binervatum had decreasing frequency of occurrence from the ground up to 4 m. The average richness was higher in the first three intervals. The richness found over the caudices of D. sellowiana represented 67% of the total epiphytic pteridophytes found in Mixed Ombrophylous Forest area, at the Parque Municipal da Ronda and this shows the importance of this host plant for the maintenance of epiphytic species in the forest environment.

species distribution; epiphytes; tree fern; Araucaria forest

Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade | BIOTA - FAPESP Departamento de Biologia Vegetal - Instituto de Biologia, UNICAMP CP 6109, 13083-970 - Campinas/SP, Tel.: (+55 19) 3521-6166, Fax: (+55 19) 3521-6168 - Campinas - SP - Brazil