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Subjective satiety, sensory acceptance and technological aspects of frankfurter sausage with added wheat fibre


The objective of this work was to elaborate frankfurter sausages with different wheat fibre concentrations and evaluate their technological characteristics, sensory acceptance and the subjective satiety caused by their ingestion. Sausages were produced with the addition of zero (control), 1.5 and 3% of wheat fibre. The technological aspects evaluated were: proximate composition (protein, lipid, moisture and ash), pH value, instrumental texture, objective colour, emulsion stability and process yield. For the sensory evaluation an affective acceptance test was carried out with 60 consumers who evaluated the flavour, texture, juiciness and overall acceptance using a 9-point hedonic scale. For the satiety analysis, 30 consumers reported the hunger sensation felt before, immediately after and every 30 minutes after eating the sausages, for a period of 2 hours, using a visual analogical scale. The results showed that, except for lightness (L*), the sausages with added fibres (1.5 and 3%) did not differ from the control in any of the technological aspects. In the sensory evaluation, the sausages with 3% fibre were considered juicier and had better overall acceptance (p<0.05) than those with 1.5%, and neither differed from the control. The acceptance of the attributes of flavour and texture was the same for all the samples. With respect to satiety, there was no difference amongst the samples, i.e., the addition of up to 3% wheat fibre to the sausages was not sufficient to promote greater consumer satiety when compared to the sausage without added fibre. It can be concluded that, although no greater satiety was observed due to the addition of wheat fibre, sausages containing 1.5 to 3% of this fibre could be produced without prejudicing the technological characteristics and with good sensory acceptance, thus favouring an increase in fibre intake by the population.

Food impulse; Resistant dextrin; Meat products; Obesity

Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos - ITAL Av. Brasil, 2880, 13070-178 Campinas - SP / Brasil, Tel 55 19 3743-1762 - Campinas - SP - Brazil