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Morphological study of the oviductal gland in the smallnose fanskate Sympterygia bonapartii (Müller and Henle, 1841) (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae)

Estudo morfológico da glândula oviductal no smallnose fanskate Sympterygia bonapartii (Müller and henle, 1841) (Chondrichthyes, Rajidae)

The oviductal gland is an exclusive structure of cartilaginous fishes that produces the egg jelly, forms the tertiary egg envelopes and stores sperm. The biological importance of this structure is related to the special features of the reproductive strategy of the group and to its phylogeny, considering that egg-laying is the ancestral condition in this fish (Dulvy and Reynolds, 1997). This gland of the smallnose fanskate shows four morphofunctional zones. The lining epithelium along the gland is columnar with secretory and ciliated cells. Secretions are mucous and/or proteic according to the zone, and to their specific functions. This is the first report about the microanatomy of the female reproductive tract of S. bonapartii with evidence of sperm storage in the genus.

Chondrichthyes; Rajidae; oviductal gland; reproductive biology; Sympterygia bonapartii

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