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Unusual Deviation of the Main Foramen from the Root Apex


The relationship of the main foramen to the anatomic root apex has been the subject of several studies. Although they are anatomically close, they rarely coincide, and their distance can vary according to age or tooth type, ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 mm. The aim of this short communication was to evaluate the distance between the main foramen of independent middle mesial canals (MMCs) and the anatomical mesial root apex of mandibular first molars using the micro-computed tomography. Twenty-five mandibular first molars with MMCs were scanned (resolution of 9.9 µm), and the distance from its main foramen to the anatomical apex was evaluated. Overall, the distance ranged from 0.2 to 2.4 mm; however, in 3 specimens the distance was greater than 3 mm. This report demonstrates that the exit of the main foramen of the MMC varies considerably and could approach a substantial distance from the anatomical apex greater than previously reported in the literature.

Key Words:
anatomy; dental pulp cavity; microcomputed tomography; root canal preparation; tooth apex

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