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From sea salt to glyphosate salt: a history of herbicide use in France


Herbicide use has deeply changed weed management and cultivation practices in France as well as round the world. However, the use of herbicides is more and more questioned, so that it appeared interesting to us to take stock of herbicide use in France. Since 1913, it has been possible to reconstruct the marketing and withdrawal of all the herbicidal active substances used in cultivated plots. Developed to compensate for the lack of manpower, chemical weed control started at the end of the 19th century with the use of mineral molecules. While copper sulfate can be considered as the first active substance with which technical experiments were carried out, sulfuric acid was the molecule that saw the greatest development because of its efficiency. The discovery of active substances in the United States and Great Britain during World War II allowed for the development of selective weed control, first for eudicotyledonous plants and then for grasses. In France, a total of 233 active substances have been authorized either alone or in combinations. Active substances have been used for more than 27 years on average, but 2,4-D and MCPA have been used continuously for more than 75 years. The effects of these molecules on the environment and health are responsible for most of the questions about their use. The withdrawal of key molecules could soon call into question the very effectiveness of weed control and perhaps put an end to an agronomic innovation that has been in use for nearly one hundred years.

active substance; combination; historical use; chemical weed management; herbicide resistance; HRAC groups; herbicide ban; environmental regulation


The history of herbicide use began in France at the end of the 19th century. As in many European countries, various social and economic factors caused a significant decrease of the available workforce for weeding crops from (Bain et al., 2010Bain C, Bernard JL, Fougeroux A. [History of crop protection from 1850 to the present day]. Paris: Groupe France Agricole; 2010. French.). As a result, the use of products that destroyed unwanted plants appeared to be one of the crucial solutions for maintaining agricultural production (Fron, 1917Fron G. [Harmful plants to agriculture: botanical and agricultural characteristics. methods of control]. Paris: Encyclopédie Agricole; 1917. French.). Different pre-existing chemical substances with a potential herbicidal action were tested over time. In non-cultivated areas, sodium arsenite (1907), sodium biphosphate (1920), sodium chlorate and ammonium chlorate (1925) were used to weed paths and yards (Vermorel, 1926Vermorel V. [Practical manual for weed control]. 2nd ed. Villefranche: Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique; 1926. French.). In agricultural areas, from the end of the 19th century, copper sulfate (1896), zinc and iron sulfate (1898), copper and sodium nitrate (1898) and zinc sulfate (1899) made it possible to achieve the first selective weed control (Rabaté, 1927Rabaté E. [Weed control]. 2nd ed. Paris: Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique; 1927. French.; Vermorel, 1926Vermorel V. [Practical manual for weed control]. 2nd ed. Villefranche: Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique; 1926. French.; Vilcoq, 1899Vilcoq A. [Destruction of harmful cruciferous species]. La Nature. 1899;1368:171-2. French.; ).

Copper sulfate was identified as a herbicide by a wine grower – Mr. Bonnet – by accident in 1896. It was the first ever solution studied from practical and technical points of view in France to determine efficient doses and the best application periods (Poubelle, 1898Poubelle L. [The destruction of wild mustard]. Semaine Agricole. 1898;890:182. French.). With the aim of managing high densities of weed species belonging to the Cruciferae family – Sinapis arvensis and Raphanus raphanistrum, broad-leaved and flat-leaved eudicotyledonous plants –, the effectiveness and the cost of treatments were evaluated for the different crops (Fron, 1917Fron G. [Harmful plants to agriculture: botanical and agricultural characteristics. methods of control]. Paris: Encyclopédie Agricole; 1917. French.). Despite the development of the first horse-drawn sprayers to facilitate the application of copper sulfate, the very high doses to be applied (30-40 kg ha-1) made the use of this solution unattractive and costly compared to other products.

World War I poison gases and toxic dusts (Guérin, 1921Guérin P. [The action of chlore and certain vapours on french and foreign higher plants]. Ann Sci Agron. 1921;6:10-9. French.) completed this frightening list of attempts to develop “des poisons des plantes” (plant poisons) (Rabaté, 1927Rabaté E. [Weed control]. 2nd ed. Paris: Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique; 1927. French.). These first trials and findings were the subject of numerous communications in national and local agricultural journals. The application of some of these products (sodium bisulfate, sodium chlorate, sulfuric acid) was not without a risk for farmers (Carbonière, 1925Carbonière C. [Weeds]. Bull Com Agr Castres. 1925;4:27-8. French.); sodium arsenite was first compound to be banned in 1915 because of its harmfulness (Truffaut, 1938Truffaut G. [Control of wild mustards]. Versailles; 1938. French.). The dangerousness of some of these products may explain the continued use of less effective but more flexible and less dangerous substances such as copper nitrate (Fron, 1917Fron G. [Harmful plants to agriculture: botanical and agricultural characteristics. methods of control]. Paris: Encyclopédie Agricole; 1917. French.).

On a larger scale, sulfuric acid (1913) and sea salt (1924) were used in cultivated fields to control high densities of broad-leaved weeds such as S. arvensis, one of the most troublesome weeds at the time (Rabaté, 1927Rabaté E. [Weed control]. 2nd ed. Paris: Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique; 1927. French.). In the case of sea salt (Dessaisaix, 1925Dessaisaix R. [Destruction of weeds by sea salt]. Jour Agr Prat. 1925;43:334-6. French.), 375-600 kg of salt per hectare seemed to provide acceptable control of broad-leaved weeds such as Brassicaceae species, but also of other weed species such as Chenopodium sp., Matricaria sp. and even perennial species such as Convolvulus sp. Improvements in the application procedure, the development of spreading equipment and the low cost of the product allowed it to be used until the 1940’s. The first tests with sulfuric acid were carried out at the end of the 19th century but failed. However, sulfuric acid at adapted dilutions was tested in the 1910’s by an agricultural engineer who gave his name to the method (Rabaté method; Rabaté, 1911). Sulfuric acid was widely used after 1930 and ranked ahead of the other products. Its larger spectrum allowed for the control of a wider range of broad-leaved weeds. It was applied on winter cereals, but also on flax or alfalfa (Rabaté, 1927Rabaté E. [Weed control]. 2nd ed. Paris: Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique; 1927. French.) and was still in use after world War II. This active substance was tested all over the world to improve its use and better define its spectrum of action (Aslander, 1927Aslander A. Sulphuric acid as a weed spray: historical review. J Agric Res. 1927;34(11):1065-91.).

At the very beginning, the term ‘herbicide’ was used as an adjective to describe a tool used for weed control, e.g., “une faux herbicide” (a herbicidal scythe) or “un sel herbicide” (a herbicidal salt). In 1910, an advertisement in a horticultural magazine for a product used for weeding paths referred to the product as a “herbicide”. The term “désherbant”, which was widely used in French agronomy books after World War II, is far less used nowadays.

The commercial product Sinox© (DNOC - sodium dinitro-o-cresulate) was the first major organic chemical herbicide developed in France in 1933. This active substance was sold with a particular focus on S. arvensis in winter cereals (Truffaut, Pastac, 1943). Sinox© was conditioned to treat half a hectare to make it user-friendly; “le procédé Truffaut” (Truffaut process) was marketed by comparing it with sulfuric acid and other widely used molecules. Application doses were determined for different weed species to improve its efficacy. The success of this product was so great that the Truffaut company even warned about its use on other crops such as sugar beet and flax (Truffaut, 1938).

France is an important agricultural country at the world scale, with a highly diversified crop production on just a little more than 28 million hectares. More than 250 crops are grown in mainland France and in the overseas territories. This crop variability (cotton is the only major crop not cultivated in mainland France or its overseas territories) is partly the reason for the diversity and quantity of herbicides being used. The most widely used pesticides in France are herbicides (46%) (Union des Industries de la Protection des Plantes, 2020Union des Industries de la Protection des Plantes – UIPP. [Our figures: 2020 update]. Paris: Union des Industries de la Protection des Plantes; 2020[access Dec 1, 2021]. French. Available from:
). More than 29,300 tons of herbicides have been used in France on average per year over the last decade (Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, 2021a).

The potential end of the use synthetic pesticides by 2050 in Europe (Billen et al., 2021Billen G, Aguilera E, Einarsson R, Garnier J, Gingrich S, Grizzetti B et al. Reshaping the European agro-food systemandclosing its nitrogen cycle: the potential of combining dietary change, agroecology, and circularity. One Earth. 2021;4(1):839-50. Available from:
) will mark the end of the herbicide technology that has deeply changed crop production from agronomic and sociological points of view. The use of these substances has led to numerous advances in weed management and has increased yields while reducing the tediousness of weeding. However, the multiple impacts (agronomic, environmental, health, food, etc.) make the use of these substances hardly acceptable for a future sustainable agriculture. Following on from an article published in 2012 (Chauvel et al., 2012Chauvel B, Guillemin J-P, Gasquez J, Gauvrit C. History of chemical weeding from 1944 to 2011 in France: changes and evolution of herbicide molecules. Crop Prot. 2012;42:320-6. Available from:
), the objective of this work is (i) to provide quantitative and precise data from 1913 onwards on the use of herbicides in France, and (ii) to put forward hypotheses on the consequences of the latest European policies on weed control. The historical approach was considered particularly relevant because it allows comparing the use of pesticides with the evolution of agricultural practices.

2.Materials and Methods

2.1 Sources

A database was built from various sources of information. The registration procedure of herbicides was enforced in France only at the end of 1943 (Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, 1943Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation (FR). [Law No. 525 of 2 November 1943. Relating to the organisation of the control of pest control products for agricultural use]. Journal Officiel Lois & Décrets. Nov 4, 1943 French.). However, it was decided to also consider the most important chemical solutions developed before this period in the cases where reliable information was available in the literature. We were allowed to access the registration forms of new herbicides deposited in the 1940’s. These data belong to the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, and have never been used before. For reasons of confidentiality, we are not allowed to disseminate them and can only use the generic data (name of the active substance, registration date). Moreover, we used rare pesticide compendia edited in France (Maison de l’Agriculture, 1937Maison de l’Agriculture (FR). [Practical guide to plant health]. Paris: Maison de l’Agriculture; 1937. French.; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 1957Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA. [Approval of pest control products for agricultural use]. Paris: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; 1957. French.) to complete the database. The database was built using Excel software (Microsoft Excel, office 2019); its analysis (pivot table) was conducted using tools proposed by this same software program.

From 1961 onwards, the database was completed by reviewing the issues of the “Index ACTA phytosanitaire” (phytosanitary Compendium) published by ACTA (Association de Coordination Technique Agricole) (Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, 2021b) every year, except the issues of 1964, 1968, 1971 and 1976. The “Index acta phytosanitaire” is based on data provided by chemical companies every year. It could lead to an underestimated number of commercial products, but has no influence on the number of active substances (ASs) and little influence, if any, on the number of combinations of active substances (CAs). Only ASs present in the chapter “Selective and non-selective herbicides” in the “Index ACTA phytosanitaire” were retained for the present study. Only uses in cultivated fields were considered. Only ASs clearly used as herbicides at the indicated doses were introduced in the database (sulfosate was considered as a glyphosate salt; therefore, sulfosate and glyphosate were both considered under the name “glyphosate”). Other chemicals such as plant growth regulators (e.g., flurenol), herbicide safeners (e.g., mefenpyr-diethyl) or synergists (e.g., ammonium thiocyanate), were not included in the database. Similarly, ASs or CAs specifically used against algae (e.g., dichlorophen, nabam) and mosses (e.g., calcium cyanamide, quinoclamin) were not retained.

2.2 Nomenclature

The common names of the ASs and chemical families were those approved by the Weed Science Society of America (Weed Science Society of America, 2021). The internet site of the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names completed the data ( The groups of modes of action (HRAC groups) were determined according to the website of The Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (Herbicide Resistance Action Committee; (Herbicide Resistance Action Committee, 2021). Each HRAC group was identified by a number (e.g., HRAC 1: inhibition of Acetyl CoA Carboxylase).

2.3 Data assessment

The variables contained in the database were as follows: AS name, HRAC group, chemical family, absorption route (shoots, underground parts, or both), targeted weeds (broadleaved or grasses), life cycle (annual or perennial). The number of commercial products was also indicated for each year. The database indicates whether each AS can be used only alone, in combination, or only in combination with (an)other AS(s), as well as the authorized crops (thirty-eight major crops were considered; Annex 1 Annex 1 Start: first year of registration; End: year of withdrawl; -: still in use Crop Banana Barley Carrot Cereals (other than wheat and barley) Flax Fodder grasses Fodder legumes Forestry crops Hops Intercropping cover Legumes Maize Maize (tolerant) Medicinal crops Millet & moha Miscanthus Mustard Orchard Ornamental crops Pineapple Popyseed oil Potato Rape seed Rape seed (tolerant) Rice Sorghum Soyabean Strawberry Sugar cane Sugar beet Sunflower Sunflower (tolerant) Switchgrass Tobacco Tropical crops (other than banana and sugar cane) Vegetable crops Vineyard Wheat ). The database currently contains 12,432 lines and 38,025 data (from 1913 to 2021 included), and each line includes the date for an AS or a CA for a given year.

3.Results and Discussion

3.1 Availability of active substances and of combinations of active substances

At least 233 ASs have been registered and used in France since 1913 (Annex 2 Annex 2 Start: first year of registration; End: year of withdrawl; -: still in use Start End Active substances HRAC Chemical family 1913 1979 sulfuric acid 0 Non-classified 1925 1930 potassium chloride 0 Non-classified 1925 1958 sodium chlorate 0 Non-classified 1933 1997 DNOC 24 Dinitrophenols 1944 1990 Na Chlorate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1960 calcium cyanamide 0 Mineral salts 1944 1965 Dinitrophenol 24 Dinitrophenols 1944 1960 copper nitrate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 zinc nitrate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 aluminium sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 copper sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 iron sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1956 Trichlorophenol 6 Organochlorine 1945 1972 potassium ethylxanthate 0 Carbamate 1946 - 2,4-D 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1946 - MCPA 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1946 1962 pentachlorophenol 6 Organochlorine 1947 1950 sodium hyponitrite 0 Mineral salts 1949 1987 2,4,5-T 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1949 1991 petroleum-based oils 0 Non-classified 1950 1965 dinoseb 24 Dinitrophenols 1952 1957 seasone 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1954 1962 cryptophenol 24 alkylphenol 1954 1979 monuron 5 Ureas 1954 2003 TCA 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1955 - MCPB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1955 1961 potassium cyanate 0 Mineral salts 1956 2008 diuron 5 Ureas 1957 2003 dalapon 15 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 2018 mecoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1957 1990 sodium chlorate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 1961 sodium monochloracetate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 2007 naptalam 19 Aryl-carboxylates 1957 2003 simazine 5 Triazines 1958 1989 TBA 4 Benzoates 1958 2016 amitrole 34 Triazolocarboxamide 1958 2020 chlorpropham 23 Carbamates 1958 1998 neburon 5 Ureas 1960 2003 atrazine 5 Triazines 1960 1992 chlorbufam 23 Carbamates 1960 1992 cycluron 5 Ureas 1961 - 2,4-DB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1961 1990 di-allate 15 Thiocarbamates 1961 1962 sodium dichloro butyrate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1961 2019 diquat 22 Pyridiniums 1961 1969 metam 0 Carbamate 1961 2007 prometryn 5 Triazines 1962 1987 barban 23 Carbamates 1962 1977 pentanochlor 5 Amides 1962 2010 propanil 5 Amides 1963 2020 chloridazon = pyrazon 5 Pyridazinone 1963 1991 chloroxuron 5 Ureas 1963 2010 dichlobenil 29 Nitriles 1963 2003 dichlorprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1963 1987 di-isopropyl dixanthogen 0 Carbamate 1963 2002 EPTC 15 Thiocarbamates 1963 2018 linuron 5 Ureas 1963 2007 paraquat 22 Pyridiniums 1963 1964 propham 23 Carbamates 1963 - tri-allate 15 Thiocarbamates 1964 1969 chloramben 4 Benzoates 1964 1980 sulfallate 15 Thiocarbamates 1965 1996 diphenamid 15 Acetamides 1965 2016 ioxynil 6 Nitriles 1965 2009 molinate 15 Thiocarbamates 1965 2000 monalide 15 Anilides 1965 2002 monolinuron 5 Ureas 1965 - picloram 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1966 1973 phenyl-carbonate 0 Non-classified 1966 1998 desmetryn 5 Triazines 1966 1985 fenoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1966 - lenacil 5 Uracils 1966 - metobromuron 5 Ureas 1966 1973 methoprotryne 5 Triazines 1966 2008 trifluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1967 - carbetamide 23 Carbamates 1967 1997 dinoterb 24 Dinitrophenols 1968 1969 fluometuron 5 Ureas 1969 2007 bromacil 5 Uracils 1969 2003 chlorthiamid 29 Nitriles 1969 - dicamba 4 Benzoates 1969 2009 methabenzthiazuron 5 Ureas 1969 2007 metoxuron 5 Ureas 1969 1987 nitrofen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1969 - phenmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates 1969 2010 propachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1969 2003 terbutryn 5 Triazines 1970 2008 alachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1970 2003 ametryn 5 Triazines 1970 2011 chlorthal-dimethyl = DCPA 3 Benzoates 1970 - chlorotoluron 5 Ureas 1970 2002 cyanazine 5 Triazines 1970 2003 cycloate 15 Thiocarbamates 1970 1971 dichlormate 34 Carbamates 1970 1973 phenobenzuron 5 Ureas 1970 - propyzamide 3 Benzamides 1972 2012 asulam 18 Carbamates 1972 - bentazon 6 Benzothiadiazinone 1972 1984 benzoylprop-ethyl 23 Arylaminopropionic acid 1972 - bromoxynil 6 Nitriles 1972 1975 brompyrazon 5 Pyridazinone 1972 1975 isonuron 5 Ureas 1972 - metribuzin 5 Triazinones 1972 - napropamide 15 Acetamides 1972 1987 nitralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1972 2015 oxadiazon 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones 1972 2007 terbacil 5 Uracils 1972 1998 terbumeton 5 Triazines 1972 - terbuthylazine 5 Triazines 1973 1988 butylate 15 Thiocarbamates 1973 1991 secbumeton 5 Triazines 1974 - benefin=benfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1974 1996 difenzoquat 0 Pyrazolium 1974 1978 flamprop 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1974 2017 isoproturon 5 Ureas 1975 1981 benazolin-ethyl 4 Benzothiazolone 1975 - ethofumesate 15 Benzofuran 1975 - glyphosate 9 Glycine 1975 2003 metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1975 1979 penoxalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1976 1980 tiocarbazyl 15 Thiocarbamates 1977 2009 butralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1977 1978 cyanatryn 5 Triazines 1977 - metamitron 5 Triazinones 1978 - clopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1978 - diclofop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1978 2002 dimefuron 5 Ureas 1978 1991 ethalfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1978 2003 flamprop-M-isopropyl 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1978 1983 tebuthiuron 5 Ureas 1979 1993 alloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1979 - dimethachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1979 2003 siduron 5 Ureas 1980 1989 bromofenoxim 6 Nitriles 1980 2007 hexazinone 5 Triazinones 1980 - pendimethalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1980 2000 tebutam 3 Benzamides 1980 1995 vernolate 15 Thiocarbamates 1982 2002 fosamine-ammonium 0 Organophosphate 1982 - oxyfluorfen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1982 - pyridate 6 Phenyl-pyridazines 1982 - triclopyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1983 - bifenox 14 Diphenyl ethers 1983 - metazachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1984 1995 chlomethoxyfen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1984 2015 chlorsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1984 1985 fluazifop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1984 - oryzalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1984 2003 sethoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1985 - flurochloridone 12 N-Phenyl heterocycles 1985 2004 quizalofop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1986 fluazifop-P-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1986 2018 glufosinate-ammonium 10 Phosphinic acids 1986 2007 imazamethabenz-methyl 2 Imidazolinones 1986 - isoxaben 29 Benzamides 1986 - metsulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1987 - fluroxypyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1987 1992 haloxyfop-etotyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1987 - mecoprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1987 - thifensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1988 - aclonifen 32 Diphenyl ethers 1988 - dichlorprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1988 - diflufenican 12 Phenyl ethers 1988 2003 norflurazon 12 Pyridazinone 1988 1995 tralkoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1989 2020 desmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates 1989 1992 fenoxaprop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1989 2002 triasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1990 - cycloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1990 - fenoxaprop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1990 1992 flamprop-M 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1990 2007 pretilachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1990 - propaquizafop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1990 - prosulfocarb 15 Thiocarbamates 1990 quizalofop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1991 2003 acifluorfen-sodium 14 Diphenyl ethers 1991 - amidosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1991 - bensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1991 - clomazone 13 isoxazolidinones 1991 2002 fluoroglycofen-ethyl 34 Diphenyl ethers 1991 2007 fomesafen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1991 2004 quinclorac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates 1991 - tribenuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1993 2008 haloxyfop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1993 - nicosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1993 - rimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1994 2003 cinosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1994 - clodinafop-propargyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1994 2008 dimethenamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1994 1997 flupoxam 29 Triazolocarboxamide 1994 - quinmerac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates 1994 - sulcotrione 27 Triketones 1994 - triflusulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1995 2015 metosulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 1997 - clethodim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1998 2020 flurtamone 12 Pyridazinone 1999 - azimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1999 - carfentrazone-ethyl 14 Triazolinones 1999 - flumioxazin 14 N-Phenyl-imides 1999 2018 flupyrsulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas 1999 - isoxaflutole 27 Isoxazoles 1999 - prosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2000 2013 acetochlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2000 flazasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2001 2013 cinidon-ethyl 14 N-Phenyl-imides 2001 - flufenacet 15 α-Oxyacetamides 2001 - sulfosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2002 - cyhalofop-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 2002 - florasulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2002 - imazamox 2 Imidazolinones 2002 - iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas 2002 - mesotrione 27 Triketones 2002 - pyraflufen-ethyl 14 Phenylpyrazoles 2003 - dimethnamid-P 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2003 - mesosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 2003 - picolinafen 12 Phenyl ethers 2003 - S-metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2004 - foramsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2004 2015 oxadiargyl 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones 2004 - propoxycarbazone-sodium 2 Triazolinones 2010 - beflubutamid 12 Phenyl ethers 2010 - penoxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2010 - pyroxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2010 - tembotrione 27 Triketones 2011 - acetic acid 0 Non-classified 2011 - pethoxamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2011 - tritosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2012 - pelargonic acid 0 Non-classified 2012 - aminopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 2012 - pinoxaden 1 Phenylpyrazoline 2013 - thiencarbazone-methyl 2 Triazolinones 2017 - halosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 2018 - halauxifen-methyl 4 Pyridine-carboxylates 2020 - caprylic acid 0 Non-classified ). At the beginning of the 20th century, weed control was first carried out using mineral herbicides (sulfuric acid, sodium chlorate, potassium chloride). In 1944, only three synthetic pesticides (DNOC), dinitrophenol and trichlorophenol) were potentially used as herbicides. MCPA and 2,4-D were the first two officially authorized synthetic ASs in 1946 for winter cereals. A total of sixteen ASs used as herbicides were identified in 1944 (Figure 1). Twenty-one additional ASs had been registered in the first “Index ACTA phytosanitaire” in 1961 (Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, 2021b).

Figure 1
Number of active substances (ASs ) and combinations of active substances (CAs ) registered between 1913 and 2021 considering annual authorizations and withdrawals. All ASs are listed in Annex 2 Annex 2 Start: first year of registration; End: year of withdrawl; -: still in use Start End Active substances HRAC Chemical family 1913 1979 sulfuric acid 0 Non-classified 1925 1930 potassium chloride 0 Non-classified 1925 1958 sodium chlorate 0 Non-classified 1933 1997 DNOC 24 Dinitrophenols 1944 1990 Na Chlorate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1960 calcium cyanamide 0 Mineral salts 1944 1965 Dinitrophenol 24 Dinitrophenols 1944 1960 copper nitrate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 zinc nitrate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 aluminium sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 copper sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 iron sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1956 Trichlorophenol 6 Organochlorine 1945 1972 potassium ethylxanthate 0 Carbamate 1946 - 2,4-D 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1946 - MCPA 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1946 1962 pentachlorophenol 6 Organochlorine 1947 1950 sodium hyponitrite 0 Mineral salts 1949 1987 2,4,5-T 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1949 1991 petroleum-based oils 0 Non-classified 1950 1965 dinoseb 24 Dinitrophenols 1952 1957 seasone 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1954 1962 cryptophenol 24 alkylphenol 1954 1979 monuron 5 Ureas 1954 2003 TCA 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1955 - MCPB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1955 1961 potassium cyanate 0 Mineral salts 1956 2008 diuron 5 Ureas 1957 2003 dalapon 15 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 2018 mecoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1957 1990 sodium chlorate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 1961 sodium monochloracetate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 2007 naptalam 19 Aryl-carboxylates 1957 2003 simazine 5 Triazines 1958 1989 TBA 4 Benzoates 1958 2016 amitrole 34 Triazolocarboxamide 1958 2020 chlorpropham 23 Carbamates 1958 1998 neburon 5 Ureas 1960 2003 atrazine 5 Triazines 1960 1992 chlorbufam 23 Carbamates 1960 1992 cycluron 5 Ureas 1961 - 2,4-DB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1961 1990 di-allate 15 Thiocarbamates 1961 1962 sodium dichloro butyrate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1961 2019 diquat 22 Pyridiniums 1961 1969 metam 0 Carbamate 1961 2007 prometryn 5 Triazines 1962 1987 barban 23 Carbamates 1962 1977 pentanochlor 5 Amides 1962 2010 propanil 5 Amides 1963 2020 chloridazon = pyrazon 5 Pyridazinone 1963 1991 chloroxuron 5 Ureas 1963 2010 dichlobenil 29 Nitriles 1963 2003 dichlorprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1963 1987 di-isopropyl dixanthogen 0 Carbamate 1963 2002 EPTC 15 Thiocarbamates 1963 2018 linuron 5 Ureas 1963 2007 paraquat 22 Pyridiniums 1963 1964 propham 23 Carbamates 1963 - tri-allate 15 Thiocarbamates 1964 1969 chloramben 4 Benzoates 1964 1980 sulfallate 15 Thiocarbamates 1965 1996 diphenamid 15 Acetamides 1965 2016 ioxynil 6 Nitriles 1965 2009 molinate 15 Thiocarbamates 1965 2000 monalide 15 Anilides 1965 2002 monolinuron 5 Ureas 1965 - picloram 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1966 1973 phenyl-carbonate 0 Non-classified 1966 1998 desmetryn 5 Triazines 1966 1985 fenoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1966 - lenacil 5 Uracils 1966 - metobromuron 5 Ureas 1966 1973 methoprotryne 5 Triazines 1966 2008 trifluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1967 - carbetamide 23 Carbamates 1967 1997 dinoterb 24 Dinitrophenols 1968 1969 fluometuron 5 Ureas 1969 2007 bromacil 5 Uracils 1969 2003 chlorthiamid 29 Nitriles 1969 - dicamba 4 Benzoates 1969 2009 methabenzthiazuron 5 Ureas 1969 2007 metoxuron 5 Ureas 1969 1987 nitrofen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1969 - phenmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates 1969 2010 propachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1969 2003 terbutryn 5 Triazines 1970 2008 alachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1970 2003 ametryn 5 Triazines 1970 2011 chlorthal-dimethyl = DCPA 3 Benzoates 1970 - chlorotoluron 5 Ureas 1970 2002 cyanazine 5 Triazines 1970 2003 cycloate 15 Thiocarbamates 1970 1971 dichlormate 34 Carbamates 1970 1973 phenobenzuron 5 Ureas 1970 - propyzamide 3 Benzamides 1972 2012 asulam 18 Carbamates 1972 - bentazon 6 Benzothiadiazinone 1972 1984 benzoylprop-ethyl 23 Arylaminopropionic acid 1972 - bromoxynil 6 Nitriles 1972 1975 brompyrazon 5 Pyridazinone 1972 1975 isonuron 5 Ureas 1972 - metribuzin 5 Triazinones 1972 - napropamide 15 Acetamides 1972 1987 nitralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1972 2015 oxadiazon 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones 1972 2007 terbacil 5 Uracils 1972 1998 terbumeton 5 Triazines 1972 - terbuthylazine 5 Triazines 1973 1988 butylate 15 Thiocarbamates 1973 1991 secbumeton 5 Triazines 1974 - benefin=benfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1974 1996 difenzoquat 0 Pyrazolium 1974 1978 flamprop 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1974 2017 isoproturon 5 Ureas 1975 1981 benazolin-ethyl 4 Benzothiazolone 1975 - ethofumesate 15 Benzofuran 1975 - glyphosate 9 Glycine 1975 2003 metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1975 1979 penoxalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1976 1980 tiocarbazyl 15 Thiocarbamates 1977 2009 butralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1977 1978 cyanatryn 5 Triazines 1977 - metamitron 5 Triazinones 1978 - clopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1978 - diclofop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1978 2002 dimefuron 5 Ureas 1978 1991 ethalfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1978 2003 flamprop-M-isopropyl 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1978 1983 tebuthiuron 5 Ureas 1979 1993 alloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1979 - dimethachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1979 2003 siduron 5 Ureas 1980 1989 bromofenoxim 6 Nitriles 1980 2007 hexazinone 5 Triazinones 1980 - pendimethalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1980 2000 tebutam 3 Benzamides 1980 1995 vernolate 15 Thiocarbamates 1982 2002 fosamine-ammonium 0 Organophosphate 1982 - oxyfluorfen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1982 - pyridate 6 Phenyl-pyridazines 1982 - triclopyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1983 - bifenox 14 Diphenyl ethers 1983 - metazachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1984 1995 chlomethoxyfen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1984 2015 chlorsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1984 1985 fluazifop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1984 - oryzalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1984 2003 sethoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1985 - flurochloridone 12 N-Phenyl heterocycles 1985 2004 quizalofop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1986 fluazifop-P-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1986 2018 glufosinate-ammonium 10 Phosphinic acids 1986 2007 imazamethabenz-methyl 2 Imidazolinones 1986 - isoxaben 29 Benzamides 1986 - metsulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1987 - fluroxypyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1987 1992 haloxyfop-etotyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1987 - mecoprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1987 - thifensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1988 - aclonifen 32 Diphenyl ethers 1988 - dichlorprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1988 - diflufenican 12 Phenyl ethers 1988 2003 norflurazon 12 Pyridazinone 1988 1995 tralkoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1989 2020 desmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates 1989 1992 fenoxaprop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1989 2002 triasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1990 - cycloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1990 - fenoxaprop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1990 1992 flamprop-M 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1990 2007 pretilachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1990 - propaquizafop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1990 - prosulfocarb 15 Thiocarbamates 1990 quizalofop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1991 2003 acifluorfen-sodium 14 Diphenyl ethers 1991 - amidosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1991 - bensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1991 - clomazone 13 isoxazolidinones 1991 2002 fluoroglycofen-ethyl 34 Diphenyl ethers 1991 2007 fomesafen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1991 2004 quinclorac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates 1991 - tribenuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1993 2008 haloxyfop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1993 - nicosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1993 - rimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1994 2003 cinosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1994 - clodinafop-propargyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1994 2008 dimethenamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1994 1997 flupoxam 29 Triazolocarboxamide 1994 - quinmerac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates 1994 - sulcotrione 27 Triketones 1994 - triflusulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1995 2015 metosulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 1997 - clethodim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1998 2020 flurtamone 12 Pyridazinone 1999 - azimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1999 - carfentrazone-ethyl 14 Triazolinones 1999 - flumioxazin 14 N-Phenyl-imides 1999 2018 flupyrsulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas 1999 - isoxaflutole 27 Isoxazoles 1999 - prosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2000 2013 acetochlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2000 flazasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2001 2013 cinidon-ethyl 14 N-Phenyl-imides 2001 - flufenacet 15 α-Oxyacetamides 2001 - sulfosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2002 - cyhalofop-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 2002 - florasulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2002 - imazamox 2 Imidazolinones 2002 - iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas 2002 - mesotrione 27 Triketones 2002 - pyraflufen-ethyl 14 Phenylpyrazoles 2003 - dimethnamid-P 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2003 - mesosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 2003 - picolinafen 12 Phenyl ethers 2003 - S-metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2004 - foramsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2004 2015 oxadiargyl 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones 2004 - propoxycarbazone-sodium 2 Triazolinones 2010 - beflubutamid 12 Phenyl ethers 2010 - penoxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2010 - pyroxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2010 - tembotrione 27 Triketones 2011 - acetic acid 0 Non-classified 2011 - pethoxamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2011 - tritosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2012 - pelargonic acid 0 Non-classified 2012 - aminopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 2012 - pinoxaden 1 Phenylpyrazoline 2013 - thiencarbazone-methyl 2 Triazolinones 2017 - halosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 2018 - halauxifen-methyl 4 Pyridine-carboxylates 2020 - caprylic acid 0 Non-classified .

Considering the new authorizations and withdrawals, a regular increase of about three new ASs per year was observed between 1960 and 1992 (Figure 1). The number of ASs remained stable in the 1990’s until 2002. The maximum number of ASs available in a year was observed in 2002 (138 ASs). The European regulation of pesticides in 2003 caused the number of available ASs to decrease (Figure 1). Today the French supply of ASs (91 ASs in 2021) is similar to that of the mid-1980’s.

The first CAs were observed as early as 1925. Initially, the low number of CAs (until 1960) could be explained by the low number and the specificity of the different ASs available at the time (Figure 1). After 1960, the registration of new selective ASs with new modes of action – hence wider efficacy spectra – increased the opportunities to propose new CAs (156 in 2002, Figure 1). At the beginning of the 1980’s, weed control solutions based on CAs became dominant and still remain significant today. More than 481 CAs were registered over the studied period.

We were able to estimate the number of commercial products starting from 1961, using data provided by the “Index ACTA phytosanitaire”. One hundred and thirty to 800 commercial products were potentially available each year in France (data not shown). The commercial offer still remains very high in 2021, with 722 commercial herbicidal products. Glyphosate alone can be provided in the form of more than 130 commercial products. A significant reduction in the commercial supply of glyphosate-based products due to regulatory constraints is observed in 2022, with only 25 products (data not shown).

3.2 Composition and evolution of combinations of active substances

The combination of different ASs was at first of great interest in the strategies for managing broader spectra of weed species. Marketing strategies now focus on the combination of two or three ASs (Figure 2) in order to control species that have become herbicide resistant (e.g., Lolium sp., Papaver rhoeas) or naturally difficult to weed by chemical treatment (Umbelliferae). Up to five ASs (MCPA, mecoprop, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), dicamba, ioxynil) have been used in combination to control weeds in ornamental crops.

Figure 2
Number of combinations of active substances (CAs) from 1924 to 2021. +: combination of two ASs; ◇: combination of three ASs;*: combination of four ASs; ▲: combination of five ASs; ⏺: total number of CAs.

The current high number of CAs can be explained by new ASs marketed since 2000 that are only marketed in combinations (halauxifen-methyl, beflutamid, oxadiargyl, etc.), and by the obligation to reduce treatment frequency, which can be achieved by combining ASs – generally 2 or 3 – with broad spectra of action. Additionally, the ban of some ASs that were pivotal for weed control in some crops, has led companies to devise new associations that were not considered before.

The database allowed us to highlight the herbicidal molecules most frequently used in CAs over time (data not shown). Dicamba has been the most frequently used AS in CAs since the mid-1960’s. Three other molecules have also been used recurrently: 2,4-D, MCPA, and methylchlorophenoxypropionic acid (mecocrop). Group HRAC 4 (auxin mimics) formed the basis of many CAs available to farmers for almost 50 years. From the 2000’s onwards, new ASs – diflufenican (HRAC 12), isoproturon (HRAC 5) and ioxinyl (HRAC 6) – have become important in CAs. Finally, over the last 10 years, diflufenican, iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium (HRAC 2) and florasulam (HRAC 2) have been the main ASs used for weed control in crops to manage resistant weed populations. Unfortunately, these data cannot be linked to quantities per hectare.

3.3 Duration of the use of active substances and combinations of active substances

ASs have been used for more than 27 years on average (from 2 to 76 years) (Figure 3a). Twenty-four ASs have been used for more than 50 years, while 2,4-D and MCPA have been used for 76 years. The ASs with the longest duration of use share several characteristics: few cases of resistance, low levels in groundwater, post-emergence treatment and use on many different crops. The use of HRAC 4 ASs should not be questioned in the near future as they are authorized at least until 2030 (European Commission, 2022European Commission – EC. EU Pesticides database. Geneva: European Comission; 2022[access Apr 1, 2021]. Available from:

Figure 3
Duration of use (a) of active substances (ASs) and (b) of combinations of active substances (CAs) sorted by five-year classes. Data were calculated for the active substances and combinations withdrawn before 2021. The data take currently authorized molecules into account.

The period of use of CAs is much shorter – 13 years (Figure 3b). Almost 25% of CAs have been used for less than 5 years. Only four CAs have been marketed for at least 50 years, all based on 2,4-D and MCPA. The shorter use of CAs can be explained by both commercial and agronomic choices.

3.4 Authorizations and withdrawals of ASs and CAs

Thanks to the annual publication of the “Index ACTA phytosanitaire”, we monitored the introduction of new active substances on the market as well as withdrawals (sales bans) each year. In the large majority of withdrawals, farmers were allowed to use the previously purchased stocks for one year. Until the 1990’s, the number of new authorized ASs was higher than the number of withdrawn ASs (Figure 4). Then, from the 1970’s, the number of new authorizations decreased regularly, slightly more sharply so since the 2000’s. After the early 2000’s, the number of new ASs did not offset withdrawals. The high number of withdrawals in the early 2000’s is largely due to the re-evaluation of pesticides in Europe that started in 1991. Only seven new ASs have been registered in the last decade.

Figure 4
Number of new active substances (Ass) registered (white) and withdrawn (black) per ten-year period.

3.5 Evolution of chemical families and HRAC groups

The increase of the number of ASs was favoured by the development of new chemical families. Herbicide molecules used in France can be classified in 48 different chemical families (Annex 2 Annex 2 Start: first year of registration; End: year of withdrawl; -: still in use Start End Active substances HRAC Chemical family 1913 1979 sulfuric acid 0 Non-classified 1925 1930 potassium chloride 0 Non-classified 1925 1958 sodium chlorate 0 Non-classified 1933 1997 DNOC 24 Dinitrophenols 1944 1990 Na Chlorate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1960 calcium cyanamide 0 Mineral salts 1944 1965 Dinitrophenol 24 Dinitrophenols 1944 1960 copper nitrate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 zinc nitrate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 aluminium sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 copper sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1950 iron sulfate 0 Mineral salts 1944 1956 Trichlorophenol 6 Organochlorine 1945 1972 potassium ethylxanthate 0 Carbamate 1946 - 2,4-D 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1946 - MCPA 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1946 1962 pentachlorophenol 6 Organochlorine 1947 1950 sodium hyponitrite 0 Mineral salts 1949 1987 2,4,5-T 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1949 1991 petroleum-based oils 0 Non-classified 1950 1965 dinoseb 24 Dinitrophenols 1952 1957 seasone 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1954 1962 cryptophenol 24 alkylphenol 1954 1979 monuron 5 Ureas 1954 2003 TCA 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1955 - MCPB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1955 1961 potassium cyanate 0 Mineral salts 1956 2008 diuron 5 Ureas 1957 2003 dalapon 15 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 2018 mecoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1957 1990 sodium chlorate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 1961 sodium monochloracetate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1957 2007 naptalam 19 Aryl-carboxylates 1957 2003 simazine 5 Triazines 1958 1989 TBA 4 Benzoates 1958 2016 amitrole 34 Triazolocarboxamide 1958 2020 chlorpropham 23 Carbamates 1958 1998 neburon 5 Ureas 1960 2003 atrazine 5 Triazines 1960 1992 chlorbufam 23 Carbamates 1960 1992 cycluron 5 Ureas 1961 - 2,4-DB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1961 1990 di-allate 15 Thiocarbamates 1961 1962 sodium dichloro butyrate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids 1961 2019 diquat 22 Pyridiniums 1961 1969 metam 0 Carbamate 1961 2007 prometryn 5 Triazines 1962 1987 barban 23 Carbamates 1962 1977 pentanochlor 5 Amides 1962 2010 propanil 5 Amides 1963 2020 chloridazon = pyrazon 5 Pyridazinone 1963 1991 chloroxuron 5 Ureas 1963 2010 dichlobenil 29 Nitriles 1963 2003 dichlorprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1963 1987 di-isopropyl dixanthogen 0 Carbamate 1963 2002 EPTC 15 Thiocarbamates 1963 2018 linuron 5 Ureas 1963 2007 paraquat 22 Pyridiniums 1963 1964 propham 23 Carbamates 1963 - tri-allate 15 Thiocarbamates 1964 1969 chloramben 4 Benzoates 1964 1980 sulfallate 15 Thiocarbamates 1965 1996 diphenamid 15 Acetamides 1965 2016 ioxynil 6 Nitriles 1965 2009 molinate 15 Thiocarbamates 1965 2000 monalide 15 Anilides 1965 2002 monolinuron 5 Ureas 1965 - picloram 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1966 1973 phenyl-carbonate 0 Non-classified 1966 1998 desmetryn 5 Triazines 1966 1985 fenoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1966 - lenacil 5 Uracils 1966 - metobromuron 5 Ureas 1966 1973 methoprotryne 5 Triazines 1966 2008 trifluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1967 - carbetamide 23 Carbamates 1967 1997 dinoterb 24 Dinitrophenols 1968 1969 fluometuron 5 Ureas 1969 2007 bromacil 5 Uracils 1969 2003 chlorthiamid 29 Nitriles 1969 - dicamba 4 Benzoates 1969 2009 methabenzthiazuron 5 Ureas 1969 2007 metoxuron 5 Ureas 1969 1987 nitrofen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1969 - phenmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates 1969 2010 propachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1969 2003 terbutryn 5 Triazines 1970 2008 alachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1970 2003 ametryn 5 Triazines 1970 2011 chlorthal-dimethyl = DCPA 3 Benzoates 1970 - chlorotoluron 5 Ureas 1970 2002 cyanazine 5 Triazines 1970 2003 cycloate 15 Thiocarbamates 1970 1971 dichlormate 34 Carbamates 1970 1973 phenobenzuron 5 Ureas 1970 - propyzamide 3 Benzamides 1972 2012 asulam 18 Carbamates 1972 - bentazon 6 Benzothiadiazinone 1972 1984 benzoylprop-ethyl 23 Arylaminopropionic acid 1972 - bromoxynil 6 Nitriles 1972 1975 brompyrazon 5 Pyridazinone 1972 1975 isonuron 5 Ureas 1972 - metribuzin 5 Triazinones 1972 - napropamide 15 Acetamides 1972 1987 nitralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1972 2015 oxadiazon 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones 1972 2007 terbacil 5 Uracils 1972 1998 terbumeton 5 Triazines 1972 - terbuthylazine 5 Triazines 1973 1988 butylate 15 Thiocarbamates 1973 1991 secbumeton 5 Triazines 1974 - benefin=benfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1974 1996 difenzoquat 0 Pyrazolium 1974 1978 flamprop 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1974 2017 isoproturon 5 Ureas 1975 1981 benazolin-ethyl 4 Benzothiazolone 1975 - ethofumesate 15 Benzofuran 1975 - glyphosate 9 Glycine 1975 2003 metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1975 1979 penoxalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1976 1980 tiocarbazyl 15 Thiocarbamates 1977 2009 butralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1977 1978 cyanatryn 5 Triazines 1977 - metamitron 5 Triazinones 1978 - clopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1978 - diclofop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1978 2002 dimefuron 5 Ureas 1978 1991 ethalfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines 1978 2003 flamprop-M-isopropyl 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1978 1983 tebuthiuron 5 Ureas 1979 1993 alloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1979 - dimethachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1979 2003 siduron 5 Ureas 1980 1989 bromofenoxim 6 Nitriles 1980 2007 hexazinone 5 Triazinones 1980 - pendimethalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1980 2000 tebutam 3 Benzamides 1980 1995 vernolate 15 Thiocarbamates 1982 2002 fosamine-ammonium 0 Organophosphate 1982 - oxyfluorfen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1982 - pyridate 6 Phenyl-pyridazines 1982 - triclopyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1983 - bifenox 14 Diphenyl ethers 1983 - metazachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1984 1995 chlomethoxyfen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1984 2015 chlorsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1984 1985 fluazifop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1984 - oryzalin 3 Dinitroanilines 1984 2003 sethoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1985 - flurochloridone 12 N-Phenyl heterocycles 1985 2004 quizalofop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1986 fluazifop-P-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1986 2018 glufosinate-ammonium 10 Phosphinic acids 1986 2007 imazamethabenz-methyl 2 Imidazolinones 1986 - isoxaben 29 Benzamides 1986 - metsulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1987 - fluroxypyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 1987 1992 haloxyfop-etotyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1987 - mecoprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1987 - thifensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1988 - aclonifen 32 Diphenyl ethers 1988 - dichlorprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates 1988 - diflufenican 12 Phenyl ethers 1988 2003 norflurazon 12 Pyridazinone 1988 1995 tralkoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1989 2020 desmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates 1989 1992 fenoxaprop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1989 2002 triasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1990 - cycloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1990 - fenoxaprop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1990 1992 flamprop-M 0 Arylaminopropionic acid 1990 2007 pretilachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1990 - propaquizafop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1990 - prosulfocarb 15 Thiocarbamates 1990 quizalofop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1991 2003 acifluorfen-sodium 14 Diphenyl ethers 1991 - amidosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1991 - bensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1991 - clomazone 13 isoxazolidinones 1991 2002 fluoroglycofen-ethyl 34 Diphenyl ethers 1991 2007 fomesafen 14 Diphenyl ethers 1991 2004 quinclorac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates 1991 - tribenuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1993 2008 haloxyfop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1993 - nicosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1993 - rimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1994 2003 cinosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1994 - clodinafop-propargyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 1994 2008 dimethenamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides 1994 1997 flupoxam 29 Triazolocarboxamide 1994 - quinmerac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates 1994 - sulcotrione 27 Triketones 1994 - triflusulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 1995 2015 metosulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 1997 - clethodim 1 Cyclohexanediones 1998 2020 flurtamone 12 Pyridazinone 1999 - azimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 1999 - carfentrazone-ethyl 14 Triazolinones 1999 - flumioxazin 14 N-Phenyl-imides 1999 2018 flupyrsulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas 1999 - isoxaflutole 27 Isoxazoles 1999 - prosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2000 2013 acetochlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2000 flazasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2001 2013 cinidon-ethyl 14 N-Phenyl-imides 2001 - flufenacet 15 α-Oxyacetamides 2001 - sulfosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2002 - cyhalofop-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates 2002 - florasulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2002 - imazamox 2 Imidazolinones 2002 - iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas 2002 - mesotrione 27 Triketones 2002 - pyraflufen-ethyl 14 Phenylpyrazoles 2003 - dimethnamid-P 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2003 - mesosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 2003 - picolinafen 12 Phenyl ethers 2003 - S-metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2004 - foramsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2004 2015 oxadiargyl 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones 2004 - propoxycarbazone-sodium 2 Triazolinones 2010 - beflubutamid 12 Phenyl ethers 2010 - penoxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2010 - pyroxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine 2010 - tembotrione 27 Triketones 2011 - acetic acid 0 Non-classified 2011 - pethoxamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides 2011 - tritosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas 2012 - pelargonic acid 0 Non-classified 2012 - aminopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates 2012 - pinoxaden 1 Phenylpyrazoline 2013 - thiencarbazone-methyl 2 Triazolinones 2017 - halosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas 2018 - halauxifen-methyl 4 Pyridine-carboxylates 2020 - caprylic acid 0 Non-classified ). The number of families remained limited from 1913 to 1952, but increased afterwards until the 1980’s. From 1987 to 2017, at least 40 (40 to 45) chemical families were regularly used, and then the number started to decline.

Knowledge of the modes of action of ASs has become essential for the development of sustainable weed management strategies, particularly to manage herbicide-resistant weed populations. Before 1944, only three groups of modes of action (HRAC 0: unknown; HRAC 6: Inhibition of photosynthesis - PS ll - histidine 215; HRAC 24: uncouplers) were available (Figure 5). The other modes of action appeared over time until 1994, and reached a total of 22 (Figure 5).

Figure 5
Registration of the different modes of action over time. The black bars in the histogram indicate how long the mode of action has been used.

Different modes of action have been used in France over long periods of time, from 28 years (HRAC 27) to 76 years (HRAC 4). Seven modes of action (6, 10, 18, 19, 22, 24 and 34) have been withdrawn (Figure 5). HRAC 10 (glufosinate-ammonium) and HRAC 22 (paraquat) were the latest groups to be withdrawn, resulting in a significant reduction in the supply of non-selective ASs. For other groups such as HRAC 5 (inhibition of photosystem II), the number of authorized molecules is now limited to 7 molecules that are used less and less despite their agronomic role in the management of resistant or new grass weed species (chlorotoluron, metobromuron) or in global weed management in crops such as sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). The latest authorized mode of action was HRAC 27 (inhibition of hydroxyphenyl pyruvate dioxygenase; Figure 5); the main AS of this group is sulcotrione.

3.6 Practical and technical uses of active substances

The field use of herbicides is linked to several characteristics. Among the most important points, the level of specificity (weed spectrum) according to the main botanical groups – eudicotyledonous and graminoid plants – is essential to the choice of the AS.

Historically speaking, ASs such as sulfuric acid, dinitrophenol, MCPA were the main ASs used on eudicotyledonous plants until the 1950’s (Figure 6). The marketing of efficient ASs on perennial and annual grass weeds –bardan in the mid-1960’s, then flamprop and diclolofop-methyl in the 1970’s – made it possible to considerably increase the control of weed species such as Elytrigia repens, Avena fatua or Alopecurus myosuroides (Figure 6). Broad-spectrum ASs (efficient on eudicotyledonous and graminoid plants) are currently the group from which the greatest number of ASs has been withdrawn from the market; this contributes to weed control difficulties in the field (Figure 6).

Figure 6
Time course of the number of registered actives substances (ASs) according to their weed spectrum. ⏹: broad-spectrum herbicides; +: ASs against graminoid species; ⎕: ASs against eudicotyledonous species.

The application period is another major characteristic of ASs. The number of ASs used in pre-emergence or pre-post emergence has declined since 2003 (Figure 7), at least partly explained by the European political willingness to protect water quality. These ASs were sprayed on soils with a low plant cover and often persisted in the environment. Post-emergence ASs, which currently represent two thirds of available ASs (Figure 7), are mainly present in chemical families such as sulfonylureas (HRAC 2: inhibition of acetolactate synthase; 23 ASs in 2021) and aryloxyphenoxy-propionates (HRAC 1: inhibition of Acetyl CoA carboxylase; 10 ASs in 2021). However, these ASs belong to the chemical families most concerned by weed control problems linked to the development of herbicide resistance.

Figure 7
Time course of the number of available actives substances (ASs) according to their agronomic use. △: pre-emergence ASs; ×: post-emergence ASs; ▲: pre- and post-emergence ASs.

3.7 Herbicide resistance

Herbicide resistance was first observed in France in 1978 (Figure 8) in maize and vineyards, with the classic chloroplastic resistance to triazines (HRAC 5; Gasquez et al., 1982Gasquez J, Barralis G, Aigle N. [Distribution and extension of chloroplast resistance to triazines in annual weeds in France]. Agronomie. 1982;2(2):119-24. French. Available from:
). The first plants resistant to aryloxyphenoxy-propionate (HRAC 1) and then to sulfonylurea (HRAC 2) ASs were identified only one decade later (Figure 8), mainly on A. myosuroides and then on various other grassweeds (Lolium sp., Avena sp.; (Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance, 2018Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance - R4P. Resistance cases to PPPs in France 2018. Paris: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; 2018. Available from:
). Eudicotyledonous weeds (Ambrosia artemisiifolia; P. rhoeas) became a source of acetolactate synthase (HRAC 2) resistance (Délye et al., 2020Délye C, Colbach N, Le Corre V. [Herbicide resistance: mechanisms, situation in France and good practices]. Innov Agron. 2020;81:33-49. French. Available from:
; Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance, 2018Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance - R4P. Resistance cases to PPPs in France 2018. Paris: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; 2018. Available from:
). The latest case of herbicide resistance (2019) was by Lolium sp. and concerned a new mode of action (HRAC 15: inhibition of very-long-chain fatty acid synthesis). In France, 22 weed taxa resistant to six modes of action have been identified to date, with different levels of agronomic importance (Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance, 2018Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance - R4P. Resistance cases to PPPs in France 2018. Paris: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; 2018. Available from:

Figure 8
Number of active substances (ASs) for which resistant weeds have been identified according HRAC groups. HRAC 1: inhibition of Acetyl CoA carboxylase; HRAC 2, inhibition of acetolactate synthase; HRAC 4: auxin mimics; HRAC 5: inhibition of photosynthesis at the level of PSII - Serine 264 binders; HRAC 9: inhibition of enolpyruvyl shikimate phosphate synthase; HRAC 15: inhibition of very-long-chain fatty acid synthesis.

The potential withdrawal of some ASs belonging to chemical families not concerned by herbicide resistance, such as prosulfocarb and propyzamide, has become a major concern for farmers in the management of grass weeds. Hormone-type ASs (HRAC 4) without herbicide resistance still provide effective solutions for farmers to control eudicotyledonous weed species.

3.8 Availability of herbicidal molecules depending on the crop

3.8.1. Comparison of two crops

The dataset was used to follow the availability of ASs and CAs crop by crop. From the beginning of the 20th century, winter wheat was the crop on which the first mineral molecules were tested (sulfuric acid, copper sulfate, etc.), and then the first organic molecules (DNOC, 2,4-D, etc.). Then, chemical weeding of wheat was mainly based on numerous CAs from the end of the 1970’s (> 80 CAs in the 1990’s; Figure 9) and until 2021 (47 CAs). The number of available ASs has been stable since the early 1990’s and has remained high (27 ASs; Figure 9) despite EU regulations.

Figure 9
Time course of the number of available chemical solutions for winter wheat (⎔: ASs; ⏺: CAs) and vineyard (⎕: ASs; ⏹: CAs).

In the case of vineyards (Figure 9), the situation is different. Since the beginning of the 1960’s, chemical weed control has been carried out with a lower number of ASs (15 - 20) compared to wheat, and a smaller number of CAs answers to reach less than 20 chemical solutions today. Vineyard is sometimes referred to in France as the first major crop on which no more herbicide could be used in the coming years.

3.8.2. Diversity of the modes of action for different main crops over time

A measure of the diversity of ASs used over time can help estimate the possibilities of chemical weed control for a given crop (wheat, maize, rice, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, potato, sugar beet, carrot, vineyard).

For field crops (wheat, maize, rice, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, sugar beet, vineyard), the number of ASs increased until 1990-2000 (Table 1). This increase was associated with the enhancement of modes of action (MoA). The number of ASs and MoA still remains high for these crops. However, this diversity has been reduced by the presence of resistant plants that reduce the range of solutions available to farmers in the field.

Table 1
Diversity in terms of numbers of active substances (AS), modes of action (MoA) and chemical families (Family) for ten of the main crops in France over 10-year time steps (* 1984; ** 1965; *** 1963).

Rice is a highly developed crop worldwide; its area of production in France is very small (< 14,000 ha), but the number of authorized herbicides is proportionally high (eight ASs in 2021) (Table 1). Weed control of this crop is more complex because of the habitats and botanical proximity of certain weeds with the crop; the use of chemical weeding remains frequent.

For vegetable crops (potato and carrot), AS and MoA availability increased until 2010-2020 (Table 1). The highest MoA/AS ratio was observed for these crops. This situation is interesting for resistance management because it enables farmers to use ASs with different MoAs.

The reduction of the range of solutions seems to be greatest from an overall point of view. However, the authorization of ASs already registered for other crops has made it possible to maintain a certain number of solutions. Nevertheless, this can result in the use of a same mode of action during a rotation despite the use of different ASs; it implies that the same selection pressure is exerted each year, with a high risk of resistance selection.


This intensive use of pesticides including herbicides is now being questioned by a large part of society. The use of herbicides in France since the 1960’s has many consequences on the environment (water and air contamination, reduction of biodiversity in the agrosystems and environments connected to the cultivated fields; (Detoc, 2003Detoc S. [Groundwater quality and quantity in France]. Hou Blanche. 2003;89(2):102-7. French. Available from:
); (Schiavon et al., 1995Schiavon M, Perrin-Ganier C, Portal J-M. [Water pollution by plant protection products: status and origin]. Agronomie. 1995;15(3-4):157-70. French.), health (recognition of professional diseases, (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, 2021Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale – Inserm. [The effects of pesticides on health: new data]. Montrouge: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; 2021[access Dec 1, 2021]. French. Available from:
) and crop management (herbicide resistance; Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance, 2018Research and Reflection Ring on Pesticide Resistance - R4P. Resistance cases to PPPs in France 2018. Paris: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; 2018. Available from:

4.1 History of herbicide use

The database used in the present review provides an interesting tool for a better understanding of the historical evolution of herbicide use in France. It makes it possible to replace the history of all these molecules in relation to each other, all together or crop by crop.

Before the 1940’s French agronomic research was at the forefront of the development of the first chemical weed control practices (copper sulfate, sulfuric acid, DNOC). Later on, solutions were brought by research from other countries. The introduction of herbicidal molecules in France more than 70 years ago deeply changed weed management practices. On the one hand, herbicidal molecules greatly reduced the tediousness of agricultural work, which was still largely done by hand or mechanical tools before the advent of herbicides. In the 1960’s, herbicidal molecules also enabled the development of new crops (e.g., maize), and the extension of diversified rotations (Sebillotte, 1969Sebillotte M. [Crop rotation changes in relation to the use of herbicides]. In: Comité Français de Lutte Contre les Mauvaises Herbes – Columa, editor. [Herbicides and cultural techniques]. Paris: Fédération Nationale des Groupements de Producteurs de Coton; 1969. p. 235-99. French.) with a better control of perennial weed species. Soil tillage and rotations that allowed alternation of ASs constituted the cornerstone of integrated weed management (Swanton, Weise, 1991; Chikowo et al., 2009Chikowo R, Faloya V, Petit S, Munier-Jolain NM. Integrated weed management systems allow reduced reliance on herbicides and long-term weed control. Agric Ecosys Environ. 2009;132(3-4):237-42. Available from:
). The first congresses ‘Journées d’études sur les herbicides’ [Study days on herbicides] organized in France in collaboration with the European Weed Research Society in 1961 and 1963 showed the extent of numerous trials aimed at finding molecules that could meet the needs of each crop. In the mid-1970’s, the first herbicides against annual grass weeds were proposed to farmers, and allowed the first efficient chemical control of weeds such as A. fatua (diclofop-methyl) and A. myosuroides (isoproturon) described as the number-one weed in France since 1960 (Barralis, 1961Barralis G. [Distribution and infestation status of grass weeds in France]. In: Comité Français de Lutte Contre les Mauvaises Herbes – Columa, editor. [Proceedings of the symposium on herbicides and of the 1st COLUMA conference]. Paris: Comité Français de Lutte Contre les Mauvaises Herbes; 1961. French.). Although herbicide resistance was only observed relatively late (1978) in France (Darmency, Gasquez, 1990), changes in the composition of weed communities were quickly observed, particularly when herbicide use was linked to the reduction of soil tillage (Récamier, 1969Récamier A. [Herbicides and the opportunity to eliminate ploughing]. In: COLUMA, editor. Herbicides et techniques culturales; 11-02 -12-02-1969; Versailles (France). Paris (France): FNGPC; 1969. p. 63-106. French.). Presently, the management of herbicide-resistant grass weed species is a major problem for cereal farmers who do not have sufficient crop diversity in their rotation. Lolium sp. is a major problem due to multiple resistances (Duhoux et al., 2017Duhoux A, Carrère S, Duhoux A, Délye C. Transcriptional markers enable identification of rye-grass (Lolium sp.) plants with non-target-site-based resistance to herbicides inhibiting acetolactate-synthase. Plant Sci. 2017;257:22-36. Available from:
), and some ASs like prosulfocarb and propyzamide have become the last chemical solutions for many farmers. The possible withdrawal of these last ASs would make it almost impossible to implement a weed control strategy solely based on chemical weed control.

Since 2012 and the first publication based on the database (Chauvel et al., 2012Chauvel B, Guillemin J-P, Gasquez J, Gauvrit C. History of chemical weeding from 1944 to 2011 in France: changes and evolution of herbicide molecules. Crop Prot. 2012;42:320-6. Available from:
), seven new ASs belonging to four HRAC groups have been authorized (Table 2), while 20 ASs belonging to 17 different HRAC groups have been withdrawn. Some of these molecules (diclofop-methyl, isoproturon, oxadiazon) were used on a wide range of crops. No new mode of action has been introduced since 1994.

Table 2
New actives substances (ASs) authorized during these last ten years (2012-2021). SS: used alone; SA: used alone and in combination; AA: only used in combination. Post: post treatment; pre/post: pre or post treatment. Dicots: eudicotyledonous plants; monocots: graminoid plants.

4.2 The case of glyphosate

The use of glyphosate is now widely questioned by a large part of French society. In France, glyphosate currently represents the symbol of intensive agriculture, which is rejected because of its potential effects on health (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, 2021Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale – Inserm. [The effects of pesticides on health: new data]. Montrouge: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; 2021[access Dec 1, 2021]. French. Available from:
). With more than 8,000 tons year-1 used in France over the 2018-2020 period (Ministère de la Transition Écologique, 2021), this molecule has become an emblem of the struggle against pesticides to the point that the highly politicised debate leaves little space for scientific arguments. This AS is the only broad-spectrum one still in use today in France after the withdrawal of atrazine (2003), paraquat (2007), amitrole (2016) and glufosinate (2018). Its use remains essential for the management of perennial weed species during the intercropping period and for the management of herbicide-resistant grass weeds. This withdrawal could also completely challenge the development of conservation agriculture in which management of annual grasses and perennial broadleaved plants depends to a large extent on this molecule (Derrouch et al., 2020Derrouch D, Dessaint F, Felten E, Chauvel B. [The adoption of direct seeding under plant cover: a smooth transition or a rupture?]. Cah Agric. 2020;29(5):1-6. French. Available from:
). Specific studies are still being carried out to try and limit its use by determining maximum authorized annual doses for different crops. All the farms of the INRAE research institute and state agricultural colleges are committed to a complete withdrawal of glyphosate in 2022.

4.3 “Natural” herbicides or bioherbicides

The intensive use of synthetic herbicides is questioned for several reasons (risks for the environment, health). As biocontrol has not had any effective development in the field for the moment, bioherbicides could offer an alternative to synthetic herbicides and a number of potential benefits such as rapid degradation in the environment. Despite efforts to identify effective bioherbicides, few solutions are currently available on the market (Cordeau et al., 2016Cordeau S, Triolet M, Wayman S, Steinberg C, Guillemin J-P. Bioherbicides: dead in the water? A review of the existing products for integrated weed management. Crop Prot. 2016;87:44-9. Available from
). After having disappeared for more than 40 years, three so-called ‘natural’ molecules are now authorized in France, and are available to farmers. These new ASs (pelargonic acid, acetic acid and caprylic acid; HRAC 0) are broad-spectrum ASs. Pelargonic acid in particular is presented as a potential alternative to glyphosate. However, many technical adjustments are still necessary (Travlos et al., 2020Travlos I, Rapti E, Gazoulis I, Kanatas P, Tataridas A, Kakabouki I et al. The herbicidal potential of different pelargonic acid products and essential oils against several important weed species. Agronomy. 2020;10(11):1-13. Available from:
) before this type of AS can be considered as a real alternative in the field. Moreover, the user cost of this molecule over large areas is still prohibitive.

5.Conclusion: what is the future of synthetic herbicides?

Pesticide use has regularly increased in France since the 1950’s: France is the seventh largest pesticide user in the world, and the first one in Europe ( On an amount-per-area basis, it ranks seventh in Europe with 3.7 kg of active substance ha-1 year-1. Intense debates are currently going on about the short- and long-term effects of pesticides, and two subjects are particularly taken up by the media: the use of neonicotinoids in relation to honey bees (Apis mellifera) mortality and the use of glyphosate. As in the case of triazine herbicides about 20 years ago (Mahé et al., 2020Mahé I, Gauvrit C, Angevin F, Chauvel B. [What lessons can be learned from the withdrawal of atrazine in the context of the planned ban on glyphosate?] Cah Agric. 2020;29(9):1-9. French. Available from:
), the debate on glyphosate use is dividing society and the agricultural community. Moreover, it is more particularly the use of all herbicides that is currently being questioned. The French “Grenelle de l’Environnement” in 2007, a national public round table, was conducted to reduce (if possible) by half the use of pesticides over a period of 10 years. The “Ecophyto 2018” plan (Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche, 2018Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche (FR). [Ecophyto 2018 plan to reduce the use of pesticides 2008-2018]. Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche; 2018[access Dec 1, 2021]. French. Available from:
), which aimed to remove the products considered most worrying, did not /reach the proposed objectives. The effort to reduce the use of pesticides was maintained through the implementation of new plans “Ecophyto II” and then “Ecophyto II+”, which aimed at i) a 25% reduction in 2020 based on the optimization of production systems, ii) an additional 25% reduction in 2025, which will be possible through major changes in production systems and the farming sector, and iii) the support of farmer networks towards agroecology. In 2009, the Ecophyto Plan aimed to reduce the use of pesticides by 50% by 2018 in France. Then, this objective was postponed to 2025. In spite of significant fundings, the reduction in pesticide use did not reach the expected level. However, the Ecophyto plan sent a strong signal, which undoubtedly announced the end of the use of herbicides in agriculture as a basic strategy (Guichard et al., 2017Guichard L, Dedieu F, Jeuffroy MH, Meynard JM, Reau R, Savini I. [Ecophyto, the French action plan to reduce pesticide use: a failure analyses and reasons for hoping]. Cah Agric. 2017;26(1):1-12. French. Available from:

To measure the evolution of pesticide use, various indexes were proposed, such as the Phytosanitary Treatment Frequency Indicator (TFI: number of reference doses used per hectare during a crop year) or the Number of Dose Units (NODU; Hossard et al., 2017Hossard L, Guichard L, Pelosi C, Makowski D. Lack of evidence for a decrease in synthetic pesticide use on the main arable crops in France. Sci Tot Environ. 2017;575:152-61. Available from:
). Thanks to these indicators, a trend towards a decrease in the overall use of pesticides is confirmed with the lowest three-year average for 10 years (- 5.7% between 2017-2019 and 2018-2020) but the interpretation of these tendencies is still debated. Currently, the attention is paid to chloroacetanilide ASs (e.g., metolachlor, metazachlor) which has become an important issue due to the pollution of water resources.

The question today is whether there is still a place for synthetic ASs within the framework of “agroecological agriculture” as desired in France ( (Caquet et al., 2019Caquet T, Gascuel-Odoux C, Tixier-Boichard M, Dedieu B, Detang-Dessendre C, Dupraz P et al. [Interdisciplinary prospective thinking for agroecology]. Paris: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; 2019[access Dec 1, 2021]. French. Available from:
). In 1969, French agronomists considered that the use of these new herbicides would offer the possibility to introduce new crops in rotations (Sebillotte, 1969Sebillotte M. [Crop rotation changes in relation to the use of herbicides]. In: Comité Français de Lutte Contre les Mauvaises Herbes – Columa, editor. [Herbicides and cultural techniques]. Paris: Fédération Nationale des Groupements de Producteurs de Coton; 1969. p. 235-99. French.). More than 50 years later, this same diversification of rotations is considered as one of the best tools to limit the use of chemical treatments (Mahaut et al., 2019Mahaut L, Gaba S, Fried G. A functional diversity approach of crop sequences reveals that weed diversity and abundance show different responses to environmental variability. J Appl Ecol. 2019;56(6):1400-9. Available from:
). Without being contradictory, these two approaches show the difference that has emerged in the weed management approach. According to the agricultural extension institutes, under favourable conditions, the introduction of mechanical weeding in straw cereals could increase the cost by at least 10€/ha compared to an “all chemical” strategy, the labour time being at least 3 times higher. If soil tillage and other new weed control techniques (robotics, electricity, laser, natural molecules) do not prove sufficiently effective in some agronomic situations, can we still consider keeping certain synthetic molecules for weed management in crops and during the intercropping period? Based on what criteria would it be possible to keep a certain number of strategic synthetic ASs? For certain synthetic molecules such as glyphosate, the question seems to be clear-cut (at least in France), but nothing is clearly explained yet for the other synthetic ASs. The effects of climate change (Ziska, 2020Ziska LH. Climate change and the herbicide paradigm: visiting the future. Agronomy. 2020;10(12):1-10. Available from:
; Storkey et al., 2021Storkey J, Mead A, Addy J, MacDonald AJ. Agricultural intensification and climate change have increased the threat from weeds. Glob Change Biol. 2021;27(11):2416-25. Available from:
) on the dynamics of weed communities or on the development of new species (Chadha et al., 2020Chadha A, Florentine S, Javaid M, Welgama A, Turville C. Influence of elements of climate change on the growth and fecundity of Datura stramonium. Env Sci Pollut Res. 2020;27:35859-69. Available from:
) will also certainly influence policy-making. Will it be possible to determine weed species, crops or cropping systems for which the highly regulated use of synthetic herbicides will still be possible for agronomic, health or economic reasons? Agronomic considerations may not always be considered, while it is acceptable that proven health risks take priority over a weed management issue in the field.


The authors thank Jacques Gasquez and the agencies (ACTA) and ANSES (French agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) for their help. We thank Luc Biju-Duval for his assistance in data input and Mrs Annie Buchwalter for her help in reviewing the manuscript.


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Annex 1

Start: first year of registration; End: year of withdrawl; -: still in use

Cereals (other than wheat and barley)
Fodder grasses
Fodder legumes
Forestry crops
Intercropping cover
Maize (tolerant)
Medicinal crops
Millet & moha
Ornamental crops
Popyseed oil
Rape seed
Rape seed (tolerant)
Sugar cane
Sugar beet
Sunflower (tolerant)
Tropical crops (other than banana and sugar cane)
Vegetable crops

Annex 2

Start: first year of registration; End: year of withdrawl; -: still in use

Start End Active substances HRAC Chemical family
1913 1979 sulfuric acid 0 Non-classified
1925 1930 potassium chloride 0 Non-classified
1925 1958 sodium chlorate 0 Non-classified
1933 1997 DNOC 24 Dinitrophenols
1944 1990 Na Chlorate 0 Mineral salts
1944 1960 calcium cyanamide 0 Mineral salts
1944 1965 Dinitrophenol 24 Dinitrophenols
1944 1960 copper nitrate 0 Mineral salts
1944 1950 zinc nitrate 0 Mineral salts
1944 1950 aluminium sulfate 0 Mineral salts
1944 1950 copper sulfate 0 Mineral salts
1944 1950 iron sulfate 0 Mineral salts
1944 1956 Trichlorophenol 6 Organochlorine
1945 1972 potassium ethylxanthate 0 Carbamate
1946 - 2,4-D 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1946 - MCPA 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1946 1962 pentachlorophenol 6 Organochlorine
1947 1950 sodium hyponitrite 0 Mineral salts
1949 1987 2,4,5-T 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1949 1991 petroleum-based oils 0 Non-classified
1950 1965 dinoseb 24 Dinitrophenols
1952 1957 seasone 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1954 1962 cryptophenol 24 alkylphenol
1954 1979 monuron 5 Ureas
1954 2003 TCA 0 Chlorocarbonic acids
1955 - MCPB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1955 1961 potassium cyanate 0 Mineral salts
1956 2008 diuron 5 Ureas
1957 2003 dalapon 15 Chlorocarbonic acids
1957 2018 mecoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1957 1990 sodium chlorate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids
1957 1961 sodium monochloracetate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids
1957 2007 naptalam 19 Aryl-carboxylates
1957 2003 simazine 5 Triazines
1958 1989 TBA 4 Benzoates
1958 2016 amitrole 34 Triazolocarboxamide
1958 2020 chlorpropham 23 Carbamates
1958 1998 neburon 5 Ureas
1960 2003 atrazine 5 Triazines
1960 1992 chlorbufam 23 Carbamates
1960 1992 cycluron 5 Ureas
1961 - 2,4-DB 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1961 1990 di-allate 15 Thiocarbamates
1961 1962 sodium dichloro butyrate 0 Chlorocarbonic acids
1961 2019 diquat 22 Pyridiniums
1961 1969 metam 0 Carbamate
1961 2007 prometryn 5 Triazines
1962 1987 barban 23 Carbamates
1962 1977 pentanochlor 5 Amides
1962 2010 propanil 5 Amides
1963 2020 chloridazon = pyrazon 5 Pyridazinone
1963 1991 chloroxuron 5 Ureas
1963 2010 dichlobenil 29 Nitriles
1963 2003 dichlorprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1963 1987 di-isopropyl dixanthogen 0 Carbamate
1963 2002 EPTC 15 Thiocarbamates
1963 2018 linuron 5 Ureas
1963 2007 paraquat 22 Pyridiniums
1963 1964 propham 23 Carbamates
1963 - tri-allate 15 Thiocarbamates
1964 1969 chloramben 4 Benzoates
1964 1980 sulfallate 15 Thiocarbamates
1965 1996 diphenamid 15 Acetamides
1965 2016 ioxynil 6 Nitriles
1965 2009 molinate 15 Thiocarbamates
1965 2000 monalide 15 Anilides
1965 2002 monolinuron 5 Ureas
1965 - picloram 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates
1966 1973 phenyl-carbonate 0 Non-classified
1966 1998 desmetryn 5 Triazines
1966 1985 fenoprop 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1966 - lenacil 5 Uracils
1966 - metobromuron 5 Ureas
1966 1973 methoprotryne 5 Triazines
1966 2008 trifluralin 3 Dinitroanilines
1967 - carbetamide 23 Carbamates
1967 1997 dinoterb 24 Dinitrophenols
1968 1969 fluometuron 5 Ureas
1969 2007 bromacil 5 Uracils
1969 2003 chlorthiamid 29 Nitriles
1969 - dicamba 4 Benzoates
1969 2009 methabenzthiazuron 5 Ureas
1969 2007 metoxuron 5 Ureas
1969 1987 nitrofen 14 Diphenyl ethers
1969 - phenmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates
1969 2010 propachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
1969 2003 terbutryn 5 Triazines
1970 2008 alachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
1970 2003 ametryn 5 Triazines
1970 2011 chlorthal-dimethyl = DCPA 3 Benzoates
1970 - chlorotoluron 5 Ureas
1970 2002 cyanazine 5 Triazines
1970 2003 cycloate 15 Thiocarbamates
1970 1971 dichlormate 34 Carbamates
1970 1973 phenobenzuron 5 Ureas
1970 - propyzamide 3 Benzamides
1972 2012 asulam 18 Carbamates
1972 - bentazon 6 Benzothiadiazinone
1972 1984 benzoylprop-ethyl 23 Arylaminopropionic acid
1972 - bromoxynil 6 Nitriles
1972 1975 brompyrazon 5 Pyridazinone
1972 1975 isonuron 5 Ureas
1972 - metribuzin 5 Triazinones
1972 - napropamide 15 Acetamides
1972 1987 nitralin 3 Dinitroanilines
1972 2015 oxadiazon 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones
1972 2007 terbacil 5 Uracils
1972 1998 terbumeton 5 Triazines
1972 - terbuthylazine 5 Triazines
1973 1988 butylate 15 Thiocarbamates
1973 1991 secbumeton 5 Triazines
1974 - benefin=benfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines
1974 1996 difenzoquat 0 Pyrazolium
1974 1978 flamprop 0 Arylaminopropionic acid
1974 2017 isoproturon 5 Ureas
1975 1981 benazolin-ethyl 4 Benzothiazolone
1975 - ethofumesate 15 Benzofuran
1975 - glyphosate 9 Glycine
1975 2003 metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
1975 1979 penoxalin 3 Dinitroanilines
1976 1980 tiocarbazyl 15 Thiocarbamates
1977 2009 butralin 3 Dinitroanilines
1977 1978 cyanatryn 5 Triazines
1977 - metamitron 5 Triazinones
1978 - clopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates
1978 - diclofop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1978 2002 dimefuron 5 Ureas
1978 1991 ethalfluralin 3 Dinitroanilines
1978 2003 flamprop-M-isopropyl 0 Arylaminopropionic acid
1978 1983 tebuthiuron 5 Ureas
1979 1993 alloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones
1979 - dimethachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
1979 2003 siduron 5 Ureas
1980 1989 bromofenoxim 6 Nitriles
1980 2007 hexazinone 5 Triazinones
1980 - pendimethalin 3 Dinitroanilines
1980 2000 tebutam 3 Benzamides
1980 1995 vernolate 15 Thiocarbamates
1982 2002 fosamine-ammonium 0 Organophosphate
1982 - oxyfluorfen 14 Diphenyl ethers
1982 - pyridate 6 Phenyl-pyridazines
1982 - triclopyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates
1983 - bifenox 14 Diphenyl ethers
1983 - metazachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
1984 1995 chlomethoxyfen 14 Diphenyl ethers
1984 2015 chlorsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
1984 1985 fluazifop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1984 - oryzalin 3 Dinitroanilines
1984 2003 sethoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones
1985 - flurochloridone 12 N-Phenyl heterocycles
1985 2004 quizalofop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1986 fluazifop-P-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1986 2018 glufosinate-ammonium 10 Phosphinic acids
1986 2007 imazamethabenz-methyl 2 Imidazolinones
1986 - isoxaben 29 Benzamides
1986 - metsulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas
1987 - fluroxypyr 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates
1987 1992 haloxyfop-etotyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1987 - mecoprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1987 - thifensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas
1988 - aclonifen 32 Diphenyl ethers
1988 - dichlorprop-P 4 Phenoxy-carboxylates
1988 - diflufenican 12 Phenyl ethers
1988 2003 norflurazon 12 Pyridazinone
1988 1995 tralkoxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones
1989 2020 desmedipham 5 Phenylcarbamates
1989 1992 fenoxaprop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1989 2002 triasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
1990 - cycloxydim 1 Cyclohexanediones
1990 - fenoxaprop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1990 1992 flamprop-M 0 Arylaminopropionic acid
1990 2007 pretilachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
1990 - propaquizafop 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1990 - prosulfocarb 15 Thiocarbamates
1990 quizalofop-P-ethyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1991 2003 acifluorfen-sodium 14 Diphenyl ethers
1991 - amidosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
1991 - bensulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas
1991 - clomazone 13 isoxazolidinones
1991 2002 fluoroglycofen-ethyl 34 Diphenyl ethers
1991 2007 fomesafen 14 Diphenyl ethers
1991 2004 quinclorac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates
1991 - tribenuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas
1993 2008 haloxyfop-methyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1993 - nicosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
1993 - rimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
1994 2003 cinosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
1994 - clodinafop-propargyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
1994 2008 dimethenamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides
1994 1997 flupoxam 29 Triazolocarboxamide
1994 - quinmerac 4 Quinoline-carboxylates
1994 - sulcotrione 27 Triketones
1994 - triflusulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas
1995 2015 metosulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine
1997 - clethodim 1 Cyclohexanediones
1998 2020 flurtamone 12 Pyridazinone
1999 - azimsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
1999 - carfentrazone-ethyl 14 Triazolinones
1999 - flumioxazin 14 N-Phenyl-imides
1999 2018 flupyrsulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas
1999 - isoxaflutole 27 Isoxazoles
1999 - prosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
2000 2013 acetochlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
2000 flazasulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
2001 2013 cinidon-ethyl 14 N-Phenyl-imides
2001 - flufenacet 15 α-Oxyacetamides
2001 - sulfosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
2002 - cyhalofop-butyl 1 Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates
2002 - florasulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine
2002 - imazamox 2 Imidazolinones
2002 - iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 2 Sulfonylureas
2002 - mesotrione 27 Triketones
2002 - pyraflufen-ethyl 14 Phenylpyrazoles
2003 - dimethnamid-P 15 α-Chloroacetamides
2003 - mesosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas
2003 - picolinafen 12 Phenyl ethers
2003 - S-metolachlor 15 α-Chloroacetamides
2004 - foramsulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
2004 2015 oxadiargyl 14 N-Phenyl-oxadiazolones
2004 - propoxycarbazone-sodium 2 Triazolinones
2010 - beflubutamid 12 Phenyl ethers
2010 - penoxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine
2010 - pyroxsulam 2 Triazolopyrimidine
2010 - tembotrione 27 Triketones
2011 - acetic acid 0 Non-classified
2011 - pethoxamid 15 α-Chloroacetamides
2011 - tritosulfuron 2 Sulfonylureas
2012 - pelargonic acid 0 Non-classified
2012 - aminopyralid 4 Pyridyloxy-carboxylates
2012 - pinoxaden 1 Phenylpyrazoline
2013 - thiencarbazone-methyl 2 Triazolinones
2017 - halosulfuron-methyl 2 Sulfonylureas
2018 - halauxifen-methyl 4 Pyridine-carboxylates
2020 - caprylic acid 0 Non-classified

Edited by

Approved by:
Editor in Chief: Anderson Luis Nunes
Associate Editor: Luis Antonio de Avila

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    04 July 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 Feb 2022
  • Accepted
    3 May 2022
Sociedade Brasileira da Ciência das Plantas Daninhas - SBCPD Rua Santa Catarina, 50, sala 1302 , 86010-470 - Londrina - Paraná / Brasil , +55 (51) 3308-6006 - Londrina - PR - Brazil