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The influence of the anxiety in the professional activity of the circulating of room of operations

BACKGROUND: Working environment may trigger emotional alterations, such as anxiety, that may influence the performance of the oprating roon auxiliary. AIM: The present study had as objectives to identify line and state of the assistant’s anxiety and of the nursing technician; to identify which the physiologic alterations provoked by the anxiety, current of his/her performance in the autonomous nervous system and to relate the line and anxiety state with the possible alterations unchained by the same. METHODS: The data were collected using the inventories for line and anxiety state with 19 circulating of room of operations before the beginning of the surgery and during the surgical action the clinical manifestation of the anxiety was observed. RESULTS: Did the obtained results identify a sample with 13 (68,42%) circulating presenting low anxiety line and medium anxiety line ( 31,58%). Regarding the anxiety state, 14 (73,68%) they presented low anxiety state, 4 (21,05%) medium state and 1 (5,26%) high anxiety state; of these 19 employees, 8 (42,11%) they presented clinical manifestations related to the anxiety as agitation, agitation and irritability, agitation and repetitive movements and sadness. CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that the auxiliary ones and nursing technicians in his/her majority possess low line (68,42%) and anxiety state (73,68%). There was not association significant estatisticamente among the anxiety for the assistants and nursing technicians and the presented clinical manifestations, as well as they didn’t present correlation between anxiety and the presented clinical manifestations.

Anxiety; Nurses’ aides; Surgery department

Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil