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About the Absent-Minded and Teenagers: Writing and Subject in Alejandro Rossi and Fabián Casas


This article proposes a reading of Manual del distraído (1978) by Alejandro Rossi and Diarios de la edad del pavo (2017) by Fabián Casas, focusing on the ways that subjects are inscribed in writing practices that, appealing to different autobiographical registers, expand the limits of the literary to areas of discursive indeterminacy that erase the distinctions between writing and life. Although they are not removed from the idea of modern literature, these expansions seem to take on other inflections today. With the aim to make them visible, this article seeks not only to point out the inevitable disparity between books published 40 years apart, but also to reveal, within the autobiographical gesture of its writings, prefigurations of the present and/or the persistence of a literary modernity in crisis.

hybrid writings; subjetivity; Alejandro Rossi; Fabián Casas

Programa de Pos-Graduação em Letras Neolatinas, Faculdade de Letras -UFRJ Av. Horácio Macedo, 2151, Cidade Universitária, CEP 21941-97 - Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil , - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil