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Sobre as compulsões e o dispositivo psicanalítico

On the compulsions and the psychoanalytical setting. The article is part of a wider research about the new forms of psychical suffering as they appear in our present time. Those forms - compulsion is their prototype - inquire the psychoanalytical way of listening, of theoretical understanding and of clinical intervening. It is discussed here the main problems brought to the psychoanalytical setting by those patients, looking for some possibilities of opening or transformation.

compulsion; subjectivity; psychoanalytical setting

Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Instituto de Psicologia UFRJ, Campus Praia Vermelha, Av. Pasteur, 250 - Pavilhão Nilton Campos - Urca, 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil