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Effect of time of planting on oil and protein content of the seeds of two soybean varieties

A study was made on early, normal and delayed plaji ting on the oil protein content of the seeds of two late varieties of soybean, UFV-I and I AC-7. The field experiment was carried out at Campinas Experimental Station in eutrophic Latosolo Roxo, during the years 1979/80 and 1980/81. In the first year were made every twenty days starting from October 5 and in the second year every thirty days starting from September 17, the total being eight and seven in the consecutive years. The planting date affect the oil content in both years and varieties. The biggest variations were due the year. Though the planting dates, the variation was aleatory. The planting date affected only the protein content of the I AC-7 variety in both years. The variation was not tendentious thought the planting dates. On early and normal plantings the oil and protein content of the seeds didn't differ for both the varieties.

Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil