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Single layer anastomosis of digestive tract with thru-and-thru sutures, in dogs: Gambee's stitch knotted under viscous surface, on serosa, versus simple stitch knotted inside the lumen, under mucosa

PURPOSE: To compare two types of single layer thru-and-thru sutures of the digestive tract: Gambee's stitches with knots fastened in the serosal surface versus simple stitches knotted in the intestinal lumen, under the mucosa. METHODS: Six male mongrel dogs were operated weighing between 7 and 12 kg, anesthetized with sodic pentobarbital to 30 mg/kg. Transverse section of the jejunum was accomplished, to 30 cm of the angle of Treitz, followed by end-to-end anastomosis with interrupted single layer Gambee's stitches fastened in the serosal surface in the anterior half-part of the anastomosis and simple stitches knotted in the viscous lumen, under the mucosal layer, in the posterior half-part of the anastomosis. After slaughter at the 7th postoperative day the peritoneal adhesions were analyzed in the suture line by a score and macroscopic and microscopic analysis were made. RESULTS: Peritoneal adhesions were equivalent in both types of sutures. The intestinal loop showed good serosal regeneration at the suture line. Under microscopy view, residuals acute inflammatory phenomena remain in both sutures. Sparse focus of ischemic necrosis of the mucosa was observed along the suture line, in both types of sutures. Realignment and regeneration of the layers were present along the entire perimeter of the anastomose. In the morphometric analysis, the neutrophils, the macrophages, the fibroblasts and the collagenous fibers were equivalent in number in the two compared half-perimeters of the anastomose. CONCLUSION: The repair of the digestive tract in the anastomotic area after single layer sutures by the technique of Gambee is made in a similar way, despite of special Gambee's stitches or simple total sutures have been used. In that way, it is indifferent the use of both suture type here studied, depending exclusively on the surgeon's preference.

Surgical anastomosis; Operative surgical procedures; Small intestine

Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia - São Paulo - SP - Brazil