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Automated perimetry in aphakic glaucoma tous patients



To compare the results of automated perimetry with both full-aperture loose trial lenses and contact lenses in aphakic glaucomatous patients.


17 patients who had been submitted to similar exams in at least two previous occasions have been chosen for the present study. The sequence of exams (full-aperture loose triai tens before contact tens or vice-versa) was randomized. Specific criteria were applied in the choice of contact tenses and the Humphrey Field Anatyser 630. was the testing device setected. Age, sex, race, sphericat equivalent, foveal threshold, MD, CPSD, SF, visual acuity and the amount of time needed for the examinations were analyzed. Student’s t test has been used in the statistical analysis, considering vatues of p tess than 0.05 as significant.


Results of four patients were excluded because of low patient reüabitíty. The average time needed for the examinations with full-aperture lenses (1014.8 ± 51.5 sec) was significatively greater than that with contact lenses (986.9 ± 47.1 sec). The mean MD vatue in the exams with full-aperture tenses (-15.26 ± 1.91) was significativety smaller than such vatue in the contact tens group (-14.03 ± 2.05). The mean CPSD vatue for the full-aperture tens group (6.42 ± 0.42) was significativety greater than its corresponding vatue in the contact tens group (4.46 ± 0.69).


These findings suggest that automated perimetry with soft contact tenses is faster and more accurate than that performed with a full-aperture tens in aphakic gtaucomatous patients.

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil