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Evaluation of ocular toxicity due to 4-aminoquinoline derivatives

Purpose: To evaluate the association between high doses of 4-aminoquinolone derivatives and loss of visual acuity, visual field defects, and fundus changes. Methods: Prospective study of 86 patients in use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine (Plaquinol<FONT FACE=Symbol>â</FONT>) whose initial visit consisted of visual acuity testing, anterior segment slit lamp examination, indirect ophthalmoscopy, computerized perimetry (red stimulus, program 10.2-central), calculation of the daily and cumulative dose used. Cumulative toxic doses were considered <FONT FACE=Symbol>³</FONT>100 g for chloroquine and <FONT FACE=Symbol>³</FONT>300 g for hydroxychloroquine. Results: All examined eighty-six patients were women, the average age was 45.08 years in use of chloroquine (n=13) or hydroxychloroquine (n=73) (Plaquinol<FONT FACE=Symbol>â</FONT>). There was a marked correlation between the use of medication and decrease in vision (p=0.05) with a relative risk of 0.3 (CI 95% 0.1-1.1). Slit lamp examination of the anterior segment was unremarkable in all patients. Fundus examination of chloroquine patients taking nontoxic doses failed to reveal any abnormalities and 41.7% (n=5) of the patients using toxic doses had fundus abnormalities. In the hydroxychloroquine group, 21.8% (n=13) had fundus abnormalities while using nontoxic doses and only 17.6% (n=3) using toxic doses presented fundus abnormalities. Comparing the patients with and without visual field defect in the chloroquine group (p=0.423) and hydroxychloroquine group (p=0.999), there was no statistical difference between the visual field defect and the drug dosage. Conclusion: Loss of vision was greater in chloroquine patients. This information is relevant to stress the importance of visual acuity testing to follow-up patients treated with 4-aminoquinolone derivatives. The presence of visual field defects was not statistically different between patients on high or low doses of 4-aminoquinolone derivates.

Retina; Visual acuity; Visual fields; Fundus oculi; Macula lutea; Retinal diseases; Scotoma; Hydroxychloroquine; Hydroxychloroquine; Chloroquine; Chloroquine; Drug toxicity; Comparative study

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil