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Cutaneous metastasis of unknown primary presenting as massive and invasive abdominal lesion: an elective approach* * Work performed at the Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” and Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.


We describe herein what is to our knowledge the first reported case of an invasive cutaneous metastasis with unknown primary, electively treated solely with electrochemotherapy. We describe a female patient with a large, invasive and painful lesion in her hypogastric region, extending up to the pubic area. The cutaneous biopsy and instrumental and laboratory analyses, all failed to reveal the primary site. A final diagnosis of cutaneous metastasis with unknown primary was made and treatment was performed with electrochemotherapy. Our case highlights the importance of interdisciplinary choices in clinical practice to cope with the lack of a primary site and to improve quality of life, since no standardized therapy exists for these classes of patients.

Electrochemotherapy; Neoplasm metastasis; Neoplasms, unknown primary

Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia Av. Rio Branco, 39 18. and., 20090-003 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Tel./Fax: +55 21 2253-6747 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil