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Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome: dermatological approach* * Work performed at the Serviço de Dermatologia Dr. Günter Hans Núcleo de Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (NHUUFMS) - Campo Grande (MS), Brazil.


The Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome is a rare systemic fibrovascular dysplasia, recognized by mucocutaneous telangiectasias, arteriovenous malformations, epistaxis and family history. Recurrent bleeding, hypoxemia, congestive heart failure, portosystemic encephalopathy, and symptoms related to angiodysplasia of the central nervous system may occur. Since the treatment is based on supportive measures, early recognition is of utmost importance. This article reports the case of a 53-year-old male patient who presented telangiectasias on fingers, oral cavity and nasal mucosa for 10 years, with a history of recurrent epistaxis of varying severity since childhood. Mother, sister and daughter have similar lesions.

Epistaxis; Genetics; Telangiectasia; hereditary hemorrhagic

Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia Av. Rio Branco, 39 18. and., 20090-003 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Tel./Fax: +55 21 2253-6747 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil