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In vivo antiradicalar activity by skin peroxidies quantification

BACKGROUND: Our organism has important defense mechanisms against free radicals. The causal relationship observed among the oxidative stress and degenerative problems in humans, are getting attention for the exploration of antioxidant agents. OBJECTIVES: This study proposes an in vivo methodology for proving the efficacy of a new high-activity antioxidant complex (tocopheryl acetate, licopene and a pool of chlorogenic acids rich in cafeic acid). METHODS: In this non-invasive and placebo controlled assay, the measure of the peroxide rates was performed in different areas, three after UV radiation, two treated, one non-treated, and an other non-treated and non-irradiated. The peroxide presence was detected through a fluorescent probe on samples stripped form the sites above mentioned. The free-radical scavenger activity is calculated through the fluorimetry results. RESULTS: Based on non-irradiated areas data’s, the irradiated and complex-treated areas presented skin-peroxide concentration 116% lower, statistically significant (p=0,02%) compared to the non-treated irradiated areas. Although, placebo-treated irradiated areas presented skin-peroxide concentration 49% lower, a non-statistically significant rate (p=0,501%) compared to the irradiated areas. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that studied-complex, have significant skin-protective action against the free-radicals, usually formed after sun exposure.

Tocopheryl acetate; Cafeic acid; Chlorogenic acid; Antioxidants; Skin aging; Fluorimetry; Licopene; Free radicals

Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia Av. Rio Branco, 39 18. and., 20090-003 Rio de Janeiro RJ, Tel./Fax: +55 21 2253-6747 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil