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Coronary Inflammation by Computed Tomography Pericoronary Fat Attenuation and Increased Cytokines in Young Male Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Users

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: Coronary Inflammation by Computed Tomography Pericoronary Fat Attenuation and Increased Cytokines in Young Male Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Users



Anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) abuse has been associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). Pericoronary fat attenuation (pFA) is a marker of coronary inflammation, which is key in the atherosclerotic process.


To evaluate pFA and inflammatory profile in AAS users.


Twenty strength-trained AAS users (AASU), 20 AAS nonusers (AASNU), and 10 sedentary controls (SC) were evaluated. Coronary inflammation was evaluated by mean pericoronary fat attenuation (mPFA) in the right coronary artery (RCA), left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), and left circumflex (LCx). Interleukin (IL)-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alpha were evaluated by optical density (OD) in a spectrophotometer with a 450 nm filter. P<0.05 indicated statistical significance.


AASU had higher mPFA in the RCA (-65.87 [70.51-60.70] vs. -78.07 [83.66-72.87] vs.-78.46 [85.41-71.99] Hounsfield Units (HU), respectively, p<0.001) and mPFA in the LAD (-71.47 [76.40-66.61] vs. -79.32 [84.37-74.59] vs. -82.52 [88.44-75.81] HU, respectively, p=0.006) compared with AASNU and SC. mPFA in the LCx was not different between AASU, AASNU, and SC (-72.41 [77.17-70.37] vs. -80.13 [86.22-72.23] vs. -78.29 [80.63-72.29] HU, respectively, p=0.163). AASU compared with AASNU and SC, had higher IL-1, (0.975 [0.847-1.250] vs. 0.437 [0.311-0.565] vs. 0.530 [0.402-0.780] OD, respectively, p=0.002), IL-6 (1.195 [0.947-1.405] vs. 0.427 [0.377-0.577] vs. 0.605 [0.332-0.950] OD, p=0.005) and IL-10 (1.145 [0.920-1.292] vs. 0.477 [0.382-0.591] vs. 0.340 [0.316-0.560] OD, p<0.001). TNF-α was not different between the AASU, AASNU, and SC groups (0.520 [0.250-0.610] vs. 0.377 [0.261-0.548] vs. 0.350 [0.182-430]), respectively.


Compared with ASSNU and controls, AASU have higher mPFA and higher systemic inflammatory cytokines profile suggesting that AAS may induce coronary atherosclerosis through coronary and systemic inflammation.

Coronary Artery Disease; Pericoronary Fat Attenuation; Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - SBC Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160, sala: 330, Centro, CEP: 20020-907, (21) 3478-2700 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil, Fax: +55 21 3478-2770 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil